BANDUNG, TEL-U – Since it was founded in August three years ago, Telkom University (Tel-U) underwent Higher Education Accreditation (AIPT). As part of the accreditation process, four assessors conducted the visitation on Wednesday until Thursday (14-15 / 12).
The four assessors were Prof Dr. Eka Afnan Troena, SE, professor of the University of Brawijaya (UB) Malang as team leader; Prof Dr Ir Sahala Hutabarat, MSc, professor of the University of Diponegoro in Semarang; Prof Ir Hadi Sutanto, MMAE, PhD, professor of the University of Atma Jaya Jakarta; Prof Dr Muhammad Zarlis (University of North Sumatra) Medan.
Tel-U Rector, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, MEng, PhD, expressed his appreciation for this visitation. According to him, AIPT is one step that must be followed by Tel-U as a form of accountability to stakeholders.
“We have a strong vision and mission to promote education for the nation. Encouraging this accreditation vision from BAN-PT is one important step,” he said.
The visitation was attended by all leaders of Tel-U ranging from the leadership of the rector, dean led the directors to the manager of the entire unit. (PR / RAF)