Telkom University and PT PLN Persero Establish Cooperation

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U) with PT PLN Persero has collaborated in the research and development of electricity technology.

It is stated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed directly by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya. It is also represented by the Vice-Rector IV for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation, Dr. Rina Puji Astuti, with Ir. Aswan Prahastono, M. Phil, as General Manager of PT. PLN Persero, at the Bangkit Telkom University Building, Tuesday (29/3).

In the agreement, both parties agreed to increase cooperation in developing electricity technology and research. The MoU was also revealed in the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between Tel-U and PT PLN Persero. The PKS stated that both parties agreed to cooperate concerning electricity research resources.

Dr. Rina Puji Astuti welcomed this collaboration. In her speech, Rina expressed her gratitude for the cooperation between Telkom University and PT PLN Persero. According to him, this is an excellent opportunity for Tel-U to provide the best in the field of research for the largest electricity company in Indonesia.

“Thank you for trusting us (Tel-U) to be able to contribute to jointly conducting research with PLN. Hopefully, this cooperation will be closer, and in the future, Tel-U and PLN can develop cooperation in other fields,” he said.

Aswan Prahastono is delighted to be working with the best private universities in Indonesia. According to him, this cooperation in the future will produce an innovation that will benefit the community.

“Hopefully, this is our joint step to be able to produce innovations that can provide benefits to the community.”

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