BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University in cooperation with Telkomsel launched the Integrated Academic Information System application mobile or mobile iGracias which took place in the Hall of School of Applied Sciences (FIT) Telkom University, Monday (3/4).
iGracias mobile officially launched by the Rector of Telkom University Professor Mochamad Ashari, Director of Human Capital Telkomsel Priyantono Rudito, Sales Director of Telkomsel Mas’ud Khamid, Vice Rector I Dr. Heroe Wijanto and Vice Rector II Nelson Rikardo Pasaribu.
Acknowledgments were dedicated to Telkomsel for the support until the iGracias mobile could be launched today.
“IGracias is our backbone wherein all IT services are here, both for student affairs, academic, staff, all Telkom University academicians” Rector said.
There are 3 messages conveyed by the rector in the face of the super exponential digital era today, the first is creative thinking, where the creative is divided into two; innovative and inventive thinking, and the constrained time frame with proper schedule for all plan, and the last but not least; discipline, its the main componentto deal with this super exponential digital era” he said
As it grows, iGracias mobile will continue to evolve with the development of today’s digital world, “maybe someday the students can access the lecture from house by the development of this iGracias mobile ” said Rector.