Telkom University Community Undertake Booster Vaccination

02 10 vaksin booster

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Referring to the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number HK.02.02/II/252/2022 about Advanced Dose (Booster) COVID-19 Vaccination, Telkom University is collaborating with the West Java Regional Police (POLDA Jabar) and Faculty Alumni Medicine, Padjadjaran University 1984, carried out booster vaccinations for all Telkom University academics and the Telkom Group.

More than 3,000 participants, the Telkom University academic community consisting of leaders, lecturers, all employees, students, and employees of the Telkom Group have undergone a booster vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine, which took place at the Manterawu Building Telkom University, Thursday (10/2).

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, said that implementing this vaccine program was a form of effort by the academic community and the Telkom Group to break the chain of the spread COVID-19 jointly.

“This activity is our joint effort to stop the spread of Covid-19, which is currently increasing. Through this activity it is hoped that herd immunity in the Telkom University campus and Telkom Group can be formed,” he said.

Prof. Adiwijaya added that this vaccination activity was also to prepare the academic community of Telkom University in preparing limited face-to-face lectures.

“In addition to preparing facilities and infrastructure for hybrid lectures later, this vaccination is also a form of Telkom University’s readiness for the implementation of hybrid lectures in the future by taking into account the trend of increasing cases of the spread of Covid-19,” he said.

Dr. Anisah Firli, Director of the Secretariat and Strategic Planning of Telkom University, the Chair of Tel-U Siaga Covid-19 (TelSiCo), conveyed to all vaccine participants to continue to comply with the Health protocol.

“Even though we have received a booster vaccine, it is hoped that all vaccine participants will continue to comply with health protocols and limit mobility. It is to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus so that we can immediately end this pandemic.”

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