Telkom University Crowned As the Best Sustainable PTS in Indonesia

telu peringkat UIGM 2022

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U) received an award as the 9th best sustainable tertiary institution in Indonesia, in the 2022 UI GreenMetric (UIGM) ranking. This ranking also succeeded in bringing Tel-U into PTS (Private Higher Education). ) number 1 UIGM version in 2022.

As for the world, Tel-U managed to rank 77th in the world, up from previously ranked 123rd. This award was received directly by the Vice Rector II for Human Resources at Telkom University, Dr. Henry Christiadi, on the campus of the University of Indonesia (UI), Depok, West Java, Monday (12/12).

Henry said that the success of Telkom University in maintaining the sustainability of this campus was the work of the Tel-U academic community together.

“Telkom University is committed to maintaining the sustainability of the campus and Indonesia, therefore all research and community service activities are focused on fulfilling Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This achievement is certainly realized because of the collaboration of academicians, alumni, and Telkom University stakeholders who are committed to maintaining the mandate of sustainable development.” Henry said.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya said, This is a year-end achievement that makes Tel-U happy and at the same time a mandate.

“To protect the earth where we live must start from our habit of protecting the environment around us. I hope that all academicians, not only Tel-U but throughout Indonesia, can be inspired, and continue to contribute to protecting the environment and so that it becomes a blessing for humans.”

Also present at this event, Acting Director General of Research and Technology Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Nizam.

Prof. Nizam appreciated this activity, according to him from 13 to 14 years ago with Prof. Riri as chair of UIGM, in building UIGM is to jointly form a shared concern, especially in the world of higher education in forming a comfortable environment.

“Up to now, UIGM has had a very good impact, not only for universities in Indonesia, but also for universities around the world, because now we are really feeling the challenges of SDG’s all around us.” said Prof. Nizam.

Prof. Nizam said that the indicators contained in UI Green Metric reflect that the universities involved have a level of conservation concern, starting from energy, transportation, water, and waste.

“These are all our joint efforts to reduce the rate of climate change which is increasingly extreme that we are experiencing at this time. It is hoped that these efforts will also be able to stop climate change, so that our children and grandchildren will be able to feel that the earth where we live is safer and healthier.” 

Head of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari in her remarks reported that universities in Indonesia were extraordinary in terms of sustainability, this can be seen from the impact felt by the academic community who attended back on campus after the recent pandemic.

“This can be realized because of the network that exists between PICs in realizing campus sustainability, especially during a pandemic, so that when our students come back to campus they can feel a much more comfortable campus atmosphere,” he said.

Prof. Riri added that the UIGM 2022 award was the 13th announcement of UI GreenMetric, this year international recognition has increased so many universities from abroad have participated in this event.

Author: Adrian | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: UIGM doc

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