Telkom University Develops Capacity Building for MSME Activists in Bandung Regency

Bandung, Telkom University – Facing the growth of the national digital economy, the Directorate of Research and Community Service of Telkom University held Training of Digitalization for MSME Activists in Bandung Regency (3/6) called Platinum (Digitalpreneurship Training for MSME). This event is part of cooperation between Telkom University (Tel-U), Trade and Industry Service Office for Bandung Regency (Disperdagin) and the Association of Karsa Mandiri Entrepreneurs (PPKM). The training was attended by 200 MSME activists and it was held in the Damar Building of Telkom University.

Platinum was attended by the head of Disperdagin of Bandung Regency, Dicky Anugrah, S.H., M.Si.; the chief of PPKM Association, Danny Syarif Hidayat, and rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya. At the beginning of the training, Dicky delivered his appreciation for the enthusiasm from PPKM and Tel-U. The training is expected to create human resources able to digitally adapt, especially for Disperdagin which already has tools to ease the process of legal licensing by using digital media.

“I really appreciate PPKM and Telkom University who always provide facilities to improve the quality of human resource of MSME activists,” Dicky said in his speech.

Danny Syarif, chief of PPKM, supports the Pentahelix Collaboration among academics, businessmen, communities, government, and media. In his speech, Danny mentioned several problems that the MSME activists face these days. Those problems include Capacity Building, Financial Gap, Market Access, Legality, Innovation and Technology.

“Digitalization is a necessity. ‘Change or die.’ As the MSME activists, we have to be able to adapt for the better business and the better ourselves,” Danny said.

In the training session, Prof. Adiwijaya explained about ‘the Acceleration of Digital Transformation of MSME for the Growth of the National Digital Economy.’ He expected that the training will help create the synergy between academics and the MSME activists which in this case is in line with the vision of Tel-U itself, becoming a research and entrepreneurial based university.

“It is not only students who are molded to become entrepreneurs, but it is also important to create the entrepreneurial environment for them. The nearest environment is the self-image because mindset will shape the habit to create character,” Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya added.

The session is continued by the explanation from various speakers, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti as Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation of Telkom University; Jurry Hatamimi, Ph.D; Rio Guntur Utomo, Ph.D dan Dr. Hilal Hudan Nuha.

Contributor: Selfina Anesti | Editor: Daris Maulana | Image: Public Relations

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