Telkom University Develops Teaching Skills for Teachers of SD Plus Al Aitaam Bandung

Telkom University Kembangkan Keterampilan Mengajar Guru-guru SD Plus Al Aitaam BandungBANDUNG, Telkom University – To support the teaching and learning process and institutional activities, the teachers of SD Plus Al Aitaam Bandung participated in a series of training organized by lecturers from the School of Communication & Business Telkom University. Starting from Public Speaking, preparation of creative learning materials, to preparing a roadmap for children’s education that will be conducted online on Friday (6/11).

The series of training began with the presentation of the skills to compile learning materials creatively by Anisa Diniati. Canva was chosen as a teaching tool and can be used by educators to make it easier to design teach

Not only creative teaching materials but speaking skills are also needed to persuade and motivate students during the teaching and learning process.

“For educators, mastering public speaking techniques is not enough, they have to be skilled enough and present learning materials creatively to attract the interest and attention of students,” said Choiria Anggraini as the speaker of the public speaking training.

To perfect the development of these skills, the teaching staff of SD Plus Al Aitaam Bandung is also directed in preparing a roadmap for children’s education. Religious, nationalist, integrity, self-reliance, and cooperation as the axis of education need to be emphasized as policies in the world of education.

“In this 21st century, apart from academic education, of course, character education in children is also needed. We must teach children as a whole that character is the essence of education. Character as the axis of education makes self-recognition important. In developing values ??in children’s character, we can also introduce children to cultural diversity, because it is closely related to heart, though, initiative, and sports, ”said Dr. Roro Retno Wulan as the head of Abdimas and the training speaker in preparing the roadmap for children’s education.

Dr. Roro Retno Wulan invited the teachers of SD Plus Al Aitaam Bandung and parents to create a fun learning situation.

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