Telkom University Develops Telecommunication Technology to Help Online Learning in Indonesia

Kunjungan Prof. Nizam

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University received a visit from the Director General (Dirjen) of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Nizam, Ph.D. The visit took place on Friday (7/8) had the aim of reviewing the extent of Telkom University’s readiness in preparing telecommunications technology to help the teaching and learning process amid the current pandemic.

In his presentation, Prof. Nizam explained that the role of higher education during this pandemic is that it must be able to continue to innovate so that it raises the spirit of the community, and the whole world of Education must be able to work together in creating innovations to deal with this pandemic.

“We are very proud that during this pandemic, the World of Education has made and created many innovations, and on this occasion we want Telkom University to be able to develop telecommunications technology to help the teaching and learning process in Indonesia.” He said.

Prof. Nizam added, during the current pandemic, many sectors have been affected by the COVID-19, one of which is the world sector of education, where all teaching and learning activities take place online. However, in the process of implementing these activities, some obstacles arise, one of which is the limited network, especially in areas that are still not reached by the internet network.

“The obstacle that we see in the field for the teaching and learning process in the biggest area is the network. From the earlier, Dr. Khoirul Anwar and the Telkom University team have demonstrated technology produced by the nation’s children to help reduce network constraints that we are currently facing. ” He said.

On this visit, Prof. Nizam reviewed and saw firsthand the technology that was being developed at Telkom University. According to him, the workings of the tools developed by Dr. Khoirul Anwar are like a satellite.

“Where through this technology we can send networks or learning content to places that are far away and difficult to reach by the network, and this technology can later be used free of charge, does not require pulses and so on.” He said.

Through this technology, Prof. Nizam wants all Indonesian people to get proper education during the pandemic that is currently being faced.

“We want through this technology to be able to bring all levels of society into the digital world, where this will provide fair access to information for all people and equality in obtaining a proper education.” He explained

Dr. Khoirul Anwar as lecturer and Director of the Research Center for Advanced Wireless Technologies (AdWitech) Telkom University explained that the way this technology works is by using radiofrequency reflected by the ionosphere.

“This technology is not like the existing BTS, where the existing BTS uses fiber optic if we use radio frequencies that are emitted upwards and reflected from the ionosphere so that they can even reach remote areas.” He said.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as the Rector of Telkom University also attended the visit and expressed his support for the request from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in terms of developing telecommunications technology to assist the teaching and learning process in Indonesia.

“Telkom University will always be ready to support every program from the government, including programs from the Ministry of Education and Culture in developing telecommunications technology to help the teaching and learning process, we do this as a form of Contribute to the Nation from Telkom University for Indonesia.” He said.