Telkom University Green Team Kick-Off

03 15 kickoff tim green

BANDUNG, Telkom University – As a university with the title of green campus in Indonesia, Telkom University continues to develop the environment around the campus into a beautiful environment and has benefits for the sustainability of life here.

According to the University of Indonesia Green Metric (UIGM) ranking, Telkom University is ranked 9th in Indonesia and ranked 123th in the world as a green campus in 2020.

In the Kick-Off event for the Green & Sustainability Team of the TEL-U Program in 2021 and the Implementation of an Integrated Waste Management (I-Want) Management System at Telkom University through online on Monday (15/3).

Director of Logistics and Assets of Telkom University, Taufan Umbara said that in 2021 this time Tel-U has prepared various programs to support and improve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) program.

“This year we have prepared the I-Want program, to support the SDGs program, as an indicator of UIGM in 2021, in the I-Want program; Tel-U will do it in the Telkom University campus area itself, and collaborate with International, namely the South Korean campus related to waste management, and PokJa (Working Group) related to the campus waste solution team with UIGM and 6 universities in Indonesia and us (Tel-U) as team leader. ” Said Taufan.

Taufan added that in this event a Kick-Off of the Green & Sustainability Team of the TEL-U Program in 2021 was also carried out by the Chancellor of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya.

“Following the Rector’s Decree no KR.0086 / SDM9 / Log-BLA / 2021, regarding the determination of the Green & Sustainability Team of the TEL-U Program in 2021 and the Implementation of an Integrated Waste Management (I-Want) Management System in Telkom University Environment Later the team in charge of this will oversee the SDGs program at Telkom University. ” He explained.

Prof. Adiwijaya expressed his gratitude to the entire Telkom University team for bringing the name Telkom University into the 9 green campus universities in Indonesia.

“With this team, it is hoped that we will better understand the sustainability that occurs in the campus environment, and further develop the innovations that Telkom University has to increase sustainability in the Telkom University environment.” He said.

After the Kick-Off event for the Green Telkom University team, the event was continued with an online meeting with the agenda for the introduction and assessment of the Telkom University program with Prof. Riri Fitri Sari as Chairperson of UI Green Metric, Prof. Gunawan Tjahjono, and Dr. Yuni Krina from UIGM.

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