Telkom University Inaugurates Professor of Electrical Engineering

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The development of the telecommunications world in Indonesia is currently exploding. All telecommunications operators are making serious efforts to combine the various services offered to a transmission and access medium; in this case Internet Protocol (IP) based media.

It has been done to facilitate the construction of installation, management and problem handling, where the Next Generation Network (NGN) Model is used as a pattern by telecommunications operators to build today’s multimedia networks.

Prof. Dr. Rendy Munadi, in his scientific oration entitled “New Generation Network and Internet of Things Towards Advanced Indonesia” explained that, the network and multimedia switching laboratory managed by Prof. Rendy built an NGN network with a low-cost investment and software based, namely by implementing VoIP services through open IMS and Asterisk Server.

“Continuing the implementation of IP-based networks, we are building a VoIP on Campus (VoC) network, with devices comprising a VoV server, IP PBX and 16 port switches that can connect to soft phones and access points, where the VoC server has installed the Linux operating system, namely Ubuntu is equipped with an asterisk as a VoIP server and Play VoIP as its web user interface. “He said.

At the senate session inauguration of professors, which took place at Telkom University Damar Building, Monday (7/12), Prof. Rendy conveyed that the reason for building VoC in a campus environment is to facilitate academicians in their daily activities.

“As we know, the use of smart phones is commonplace, through networks like this, and the use of smart phones is supported by WLANs that have access points throughout the campus, so after undergoing evaluation and experimental analysis of the VoC user handover delay it is safe and does not experience delays. “He said.

Prof. Rendy Munadi was entrusted by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia as a professor or professor on September 1, 2020, in Electrical Engineering, based on decree no.75043 / MPK / KP / 2020 concerning lecturers’ academic promotions.

The man who was born in Cirebon 59 years ago, has become a permanent lecturer at Telkom University (prior name was STT Telkom) in 1993, in his career as a lecturer, Prof. Rendy has been BNSP certified, Indonesian-IPM engineer certification, Lecturer certification, and assessor.

In his research activities for the last 7 years, Prof. Rendy has managed 14 research grants. In terms of the publication of research results, until now Prof. Rendy has an H Google Scholar Index of -7, a Shinta score of 10.59 and an H of a Scopus Index of 4.

In addition, he is also active in publishing his research results in national and international journals, where there are 8 scientific articles published in Scopus indexed international journals, 6 papers published in national journals indexed by DIKTI and over 25 papers published in Scopus indexed international proceedings.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, in his speech said that the highest functional position that has been achieved by Prof. Rendy is a big mandate. Through his position as professor, he can open up new ideas and the best innovations for the advancement of this institution and the Indonesian nation.

“Congratulations on the inauguration of Prof. Rendy as a professor, hopefully through this mandate he can contribute to both Telkom University, society and the Indonesian nation, and hopefully this will become a new motivation for all Telkom University lecturers to reach the highest positions in the academic world. “He said.

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