BEKASI, Telkom University – After conducting training at Subang University on Friday (14/7), Telkom University visited the Islamic University “45” (Unisma) Bekasi to hold a Training in a college grant program superior in 2017.
The event which took place Monday (17/7) is a program of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (kemenristekdikti), where Telkom University is given a mandate to foster universities in West Java, focusing on internal quality assurance system for the first meeting.
The event is divided into 3 sessions will be filled with 3 speakers among them is Vice Rector (warek) 1 academic field Telkom University Dr. Ir. Heroe Wijanto, MT., With materials on quality assurance policy of higher education, higher education guarantee system and operational of quality assurance, second speaker by Dr. Dadan Rahadian with accreditation material as external quality assurance and third speaker is Aris Hartaman. MT with material of Quality Standard and SN Dikti.
Warek 1 in his speech said two Telkom University’s foster colleges are really amazing, and the word “excel” here may later become a superior university.
“Until the campus of Unisma We see the signs of the extraordinary spirit of the big family unisma to want to build a culture of college quality” he said
Heroe added that the first tier to turn quality assurance is the spirit of the university leaders. “This gives a bright hope for the success of this program, and we telkom university will be the facilitator who mandated from the strategic plan so that his program can run effectively and efficiently” he said.
Especially for this program, Heroe said that Telkom University entrusted a message so that foster university can go up grade of accreditation.
“We will be very open once to our university brothers, and we are ready to help Unisma, not only in this program but the relationship will continue to be established between Telkom University and Unisma” he said
The event was opened by the Rector of Unisma Dr. Nandang Najmulmunir, Ir., M.S welcomed Telkom University’s presence in campus, thanks to Telkom University colleagues can work together with Unisma, “hopefully this cooperation can continue to be established not only in this program but can collaborate together in the future” he said.
Nandang adds, Unisma is currently developing a new strategic plan, to refer to the accreditation of institutions and accreditation study program.
“2019 our target aipt accreditation, to provide services to the people, where we are the university of Islam, must give the best to the people” he said.