Telkom University Lecturers Organized Marketing Workshop at SMK 1 Telkom Medan

Telkom University, together with SMK Telkom 1 Medan, held a digital marketing workshop. This program is intended for teachers to be proficient in digital media, especially for school promotion during the registration period of new prospective students in 2022.

The coordinator and speaker in the program, Martha Tri Lestari, said that information technology should be used as the dominant reference in daily activities, especially in business matters.

“We are in an era where information technology has become a commodity. Instead of avoiding it, we have to make information technology a part of our work, one of which is marketing,” explained the lecturer of the Public Relations Study Program.

In line with Martha, another speaker, Amalia Djuwita, added that educational institutions must have different strategies from other institutions so that competition is more productive and creative.

“The growth of educational institutions develops so that it results in competition between similar educational institutions from various aspects. Thus, innovative and creative marketing development efforts are needed,” 

Meanwhile, the next speaker, Muhammad Al Assad, explained the importance of digital marketing visually. According to him, visuals can tell everything.

“In addition, there is an emotional touch such as using photo/video visual effects that can create and tell emotional events. So that viral marketing strategy & storytelling techniques can encourage individuals to participate in conveying a message to other individuals,” said Assad.

The workshop program packaged through community service (Abdimas) was held online using the Zoom meeting platform on Friday (8/4/2022), involving dozens of teacher participants at SMK Telkom 1 Medan.

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