Telkom University Maintains the First Position PTS Ranking Version of THE World University Rankings 2022

03 09 berita THE WUR

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U) as the best No. 1 Private Universities (PTS) in Indonesia again won a brilliant ranking. This time through the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) page, Telkom University is in the ranks of the world’s best universities with a ranking of 1201+ and is included in the 10 best universities in Indonesia alongside 9 State Universities (PTN).

In total 14 Indonesian Universities are included in THE WUR 2022, namely:

1) the University of Indonesia with an overall score of 28.12

2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia with an overall score of 23.38

3) Bandung Institute of Technology with an overall score of 22.65

4) Hasanuddin University with an overall score of 20.58

5) Gadjah Mada University with an overall 19.87

6) Eleven March University with an overall score of 19.66

7) Bogor Agricultural University with an overall score of 19.65

8) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology with an overall score of 18.99

9) Universitas Airlangga with an overall score of 18.63

10) Telkom University with an overall score of 18.42

11) Padjadjaran University with an overall score of 17.6

12) Diponegoro University with an overall score of 16.22

13) Bina Nusantara University with an overall score of 15.91

14) Universitas Brawijaya with an overall score of 13.48

THE WUR is a rating agency that has been globally recognized and one of the top-ranking providers for quality assessment of institutions worldwide. In this THE World University Rankings 2022, more than 1,600 universities from 99 countries and regions are included in the rankings, making THE a university ranking largest and most diverse to date.

THE World University Rankings regularly releases the ranking of the best universities in the world with 5 assessment indicators, namely: teaching (teaching) with a weight of 30%, research (research) with a weight of 30%, citations with a weight of 30%, income from industry (industry income) with a weighting of 2.5%, and international outlook with a weighting of 7.5%.

Of the five indicators, the total score obtained by Tel-U is 18,425 placings Tel-U in the 10th rank of Indonesian Universities and PTS in the first place according to the Times Higher Education version.

In the citations indicator, Tel-U managed to get a score of 31, ranking 2nd nationally. In citation indicators, the assessment is carried out by measuring the role of universities in disseminating new knowledge and ideas. THE measures the average number of citations to an institution’s publications by global academics. This year THE examined more than 108 million citations for 14.4 million journal articles, review articles, conference proceedings, books, and book chapters published.

Rector of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya congratulated Telkom University on the achievements achieved by Telkom University, according him this is the result of hard work and smart work from the academic community of Telkom University as well as contributions from alumni and all stakeholders.

“This recognition is a mandate for us (Tel-U) to continue to contribute to the Indonesian nation. Appreciation and thanks to all academics, alumni, and stakeholders of Telkom University. The ranking is not the main thing, but we must remain focused on always providing the widest possible contribution and benefit to the people and nation of Indonesia.” It’s clear. (***)

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