Telkom University Organized National Seminar on Intellectual Property

seminar nasional telkom university

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University cooperates with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham RI). This cooperation was signed by Ir. Razilu, M.Sc., CGCAE, as Plt. Director General of Intellectual Property represented by Drs. Yasmon, M.LS Director of Patents, DTLST and Trade Secrets of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights with the Chancellor of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, who was represented by the Vice Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation at Telkom University, Dr. Ir. Rina Puji Astuti.

The signing of this collaboration took place at Mason Pine Hotel, West Bandung Regency, Thursday (15/9). In this cooperation, both parties agree on the protection and use of intellectual property, with the following scope:

  • Information dissemination, socialization, and dissemination in the field of intellectual property.
  • Human resource development in the field of Intellectual Property
  • Data exchange in the field of Intellectual Property
  • Other activities agreed upon by the parties in the area of Intellectual Property.

This event also held a national seminar entitled Intellectual Property (IP) – Based Licensing Strategy. Yasmon, a resource person at this seminar, said that intellectual property is expected to grow and develop the human resources that the Indonesian people need.

“Through cooperation with universities, we want to encourage universities as printers of the nation’s generation to be able to optimize the national intellectual property system,” he said.

Yasmon further said that the number of patents originating from within the country is tiny. Most of them are from abroad. Besides that, there are still very few patent applications from universities.

Yasmon appealed to all innovators who have applied for patents so that the submission process does not stop at the time of filing and only gets a certificate.

“Do not stop after receiving the certificate. It must be downstream and commercialized to impact the benefits of institutions or the investors economically.” 

After establishing cooperation between the Directorate General of Information and Communication Technology with Telkom University, it is hoped that there will be many patents and intellectual property born from Telkom University in the future.

Vice-Rector IV conveyed that the event organized by  Bandung Techno Park (BTP) contributed to inspiring the importance of protecting IP (Intellectual Property)

“Agree with what Mr. Yasmon said. We also hope that the collaboration can better impact each institution and, more broadly. It can also benefit the Indonesian people.” Obviously.

Apart from Yasmon, other speakers also attended online, including; Sang Kompiang Wirawan, Ph.D. (Deputy Director of UGM Science Techno Park), and Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi (Chairman of the Indonesian KI Center Association (ASKII)), with moderator Juldin Bahriansyah, S.T., M.Sc. (Coordinator for the Implementation of the BRIN Intellectual Property Valuation Function).

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