Bandung, Telkom University – Based on the issued letter by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Directorate-General Education and Student Affairs on Thursday (09/03/17), on Assignment of Student Creativity Program, Telkom University received the largest round of PKM funding 2017 in the region Kopertis 4 compared to other universities.
Based on data collected from the issued letter, there were 10 students of Telkom University who received funding. 10 students consisting of 2 Student from Electrical Engineering Program, 1 Student from Program Computer Systems, 1 Student from Study Program Engineering Physics, and 6 students from Telecommunications Engineering Program.
These are the succesfull proposal made by students of Telkom University: SIPKALI (Vessel Detection System Using LIDAR) by Alvarez Ibn Burhan; Thesis (System Security Integrated RFID Long Distance With the Raspberry Pi) by Sherly Rahma Alfitri; KURSOR (Wheelchairs Sinya Brain NeuroSky) for Dissable by Ariandi Fathur Rahman; Trash Smart Sorting Trash Organic and non-organic Auto And based IOT (Tempiot) by Robby Yanwar Setidi; PITON (panic Button to overcome panic immediately) by Mohammad Reza; ax (Smart Class Anti-Fraud) by Fajri Tsani Yutisiawanda; KUDA LIAR (Wheelchairs Electric by Voice control ) by Hendriadi Mukri; CAHAYA PERI (Light Sender Information) Visible Light Communication-based by Dwiki Kurnia; Smart Lamp-fittings by Faisal Tahsiin, PRINTIS (Printer Internet of Things) by Fajree Novyantoro Restyawan.
Although the number is still far from the expectation, may Telkom University Students are able to provide quality and lead to the next National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
Adnan Abdullah