Telkom University Receives Australia Awards Grant

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U), supported by Australia Awards Indonesia through the Alumni Grant Scheme, held a series of community service activities with the theme ‘Digital Marketing Training for MSMEs in 3 Villages in Bandung Regency.

This activity is the initial stage of a series of strengthening the digitization of MSMEs that will be carried out until 2023. Strengthening is carried out through mentoring, training, and developing digital platforms. This activity is a collaboration between lecturers and students from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, chaired by Luthfi Ramadani, Ph.D.. It consists of 3 lecturers and 11 students.

Luthfi Ramadani, the team leader, explained that Bandung is known as one of the most creative regions in Indonesia, including being shown in various innovative products produced by MSMEs that have extraordinary economic potential.

“Various variations of MSME businesses in Bandung, ranging from culinary to handicrafts, have the potential to be marketed at national and international levels. To encourage the increase in the MSME business, a digitalization step is needed so that MSMEs can reach a wider market share.”

Luthfi said that through this program, it is hoped that the economic level of the MSME partners involved will increase and bring up various product innovations from the Bandung area that can be marketed more widely.

This activity lasts for two days, from August 13, 2022, to August 14, 2022, at the Ballroom of Hotel Arsilia, Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No.123, Turangga, Kec. Lengkong, Bandung City, which was attended by more than 60 MSMEs from Lengkong, Sukapura and Citereup Villages. This training presents four speakers who deliver training on Copywriting, Packaging, Digital Marketing, and Financial Bookkeeping.

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