Telkom University Rector Receives “2022 Empowerment Figure” Award from Rumah Zakat

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, rector of Telkom University, received the honor of being an “Empowerment Figure 2022” award at the 2023 Rumah Zakat Public Expose event, which took place on Friday (24/3). The CEO of Rumah Zakat, Irvan Nugraha, presented this award as recognition for being a great figure as an example and inspiration.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, rector of Tel-U, stated that educational institutions play an essential role in efforts to empower the community so that they may be measured and appropriate. Tel-U is a higher education institution that focuses on speeding the realization of sustainable development via the participation of all stakeholders.

“This is a huge compliment for us, but it’s also a challenge to keep working hard to provide the best. Because God will always provide advantages and blessings for all of us if we continue to contribute to delivering benefits. Thank you, Rumah Zakat, and may God bless Indonesia,” Adiwijaya added.

Rumah Zakat CEO, Irvan Nugraha, stated that by 2023, Rumah Zakat would endeavor to bring happiness to 1.5 million people and lift mustahik out of poverty by approximately 20 %.

As a way of reinforcing and spreading kindness to others. The 2023 campaign, #BergerakNyata, will be unveiled tonight. “A movement that invites people to take concrete actions for the betterment of themselves and their surroundings.” Irvan believed.

Rumah Zakat presented two awards, The 2022 Empowerment Figures Award and The 2022 Happiness Award, at this Public Expose. Winning the award by Tel-U’s rector motivates the whole Tel-U academic community to constantly give the best for the nation’s progress.

Writer: Abdullah Adnan | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations

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