BANDUNG, Telkom University โ Nowadays, the ICT technology grows rapidly, therefore Telkom University through the Research Center for Advanced Wireless Technologies (AdWiTech) will develop the 5G and 6G technology for telecommunication world developing, both nationally and internationally.
This was stated by Director of the Research Center for AdWiTech Telkom University Associate, Professor Khoirul Anwar, at Sharing Session held by Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) in Bandung Techno Park, Thursday (26/1).
Besides Khoirul Anwar, this event also invited panelists who represent the Quadruple Helix, Academic, Business, Government, and Community. They are the Region Director of Science and Technology and other Supporting Institutions, Lukito Hasta P; Director of Bandung Digital Valley, Dibya Pradana; Director of Bandung Techno Park, Jangkung Rahardjo and Director of PT. Bakti Unggul Teknovasi, Totok Gunarto.
Entitled “Development of Innovation and Commercialization of Research Results Through the Synergies of Academic, Business, Government, Community (ABGC)”. The chairman of Telkom Education Foundation, S. Dwi Purnomo said that besides strengthening the internal synergy, cooperation must be established with other party. One of them through cooperation with Quadruple Helix.
“YPT own the university as producers of research, then developed and incubated in BTP. The results of this development further commercialized in YPT subsidiaries such as PT. BUT. But we also need to cooperate with the government, “he said.
Through this partnership, Dwi expected that YPT higher education can be motivated to increase productivity also the quality of its research. So it can be developed and commercialized. It is not only an impact on research, but also have a significant impact on improving the quality of human resources and the quality of teaching.
“This is our allegiance to this country, creating excellent generation through educational institutions that we have,” he concluded.
On this event, the leaders of YPT Group signed a pact synergy and cooperation in order to improve the synergies between institutions to jointly improve the quality of educational institutions under YPT group, and to develop cooperation in the development of innovation and commercialization of research results, and support each other in order to achieve the vision and mission of YPT. (PR / YPT)