BANDUNG, Telkom University – In order to realize the ideals Toward World Class University. Telkom University held “Telkom University Leaders Gathering”. Entitled “Strengthening Academic Excellence Towards a World Class University”, activities organized in Sumber Alam Resort Garut, Tuesday-Wednesday (7-8 / 2/17) was expected to produce the short-term studies design (RPJK) and the long-term study design (RPJP).
Telkom University Rector, Professor Mochamad Ashari on his presentation stated, the human resources (HR) shared by all faculties in Telkom University, allow Telkom University create the research varied outcomes, also qualified. For that, he specifically asked the Chairman of the Research Group (KK) to spry in order to design the systematic research on based on the need.
“Telkom University are likely to be most productive universities in Indonesia in term of research, considering the amount and track record of our researchers, it is possible, they are all capable of doing research with a superior quality” he said.
Telkom University so far has 32 KK from seven faculties. This event was intended to strengthen the roadmap of Telkom University. Vice Rector for Academic Dr. Heroe Wijanto in his presentation expressed that KK is the vanguard in the realization of systematic and directed research.
“The task of image building KK potential academic and research in Telkom University, because they have to understand the needs of each research expertise is in the Faculty” he explained. To that end, Telkom University seriously increase the productivity of households in achieving the standards of quality and quantity of research throughout the year.
In addition to strengthen the performance of KK, in its efforts to build a world-class research tradition, Telkom launched its University Research Centre which is separate from the Directorate Penenelitian and Community Service (PPM). Research Centre is divided into two major groups in supporting innovation research, Center for Advanced Wireless Technologies (Adwitech) and the Center for ICT Business and Public Policy.
Adwitech Telkom University itself has been known for products such as basic formulas 4G network technology, and in the long term will continue to develop for the next generation network technology in the form of formula 5G, 6G and a peak in the year 2045 launched the latest generation 7G.
While ICT Research Centre for Business and Public Policy, has been generating a lot of public policy, in the form of legislation and government regulation related to the theme of ICT and telecommunications, which are for the benefit of the regulation of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (RI Kemenkominfo).
“We prepare everything, ICT-related public policy, our research, ranging from the analysis of the social, academic paper, to be a regulative products. The government then receive the benefits of this research (public policy) “continued Ashari.
Met on the sidelines of open meetings with the head of the research group, Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah motivate researchers at the Telkom University. “We share the task, ladies doing research, and that we provide the funds” he said. Political education doctoral dissertation from the University of Education Indonesia added, Telkom University highly enough funds to build a flagship research.
“Telkom University manages 10 billion fund, it was enough to create a research tradition with superior quality. To that end, we gathered in the senagaja helatan Leaders Gathering, certainly to formulate research with quality excellence “he added.
As long as the project is implemented, the entire head of the research group at the Telkom University, numbering more than 70 people. Asked to complete the research work plan. And presented alternately in front of the leaders. Forum which was opened by the Rector of this University direcanakan finished tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon (08/02/17).
Dedi Kurnia Syah Putra