Bandung, Telkom University – Multimedia and Game Event (MAGE) is an annual competition which is organized by the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) . MAGE 2017 is followed by several universities such as the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Sebelas Maret Institute of Technology (ITS), Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS), Trunojoyo University Madura, and Telkom University.
In this competition, academicians compete to innovate, to show their creativeness, and applying gaming technology and applications to provide a positive impact for Indonesia. Telkom University which has visions play an active role in the development of technology-based science and art sent three of their students to compete in MAGE 2017.
The three students joined the team called AJH which consist of Visual Communication Design, Asya Leztizia and two students from Information Engineering, Januar Triandy Elsan and Muhammad Hilmy An Nabahani. Cultural Last Frontier is a game which is created by them and successfully led a team of AJH crowned as third winner in the category of Technology Developer.
The victory was achieved on 25 February, which is the end of events MAGE 2017. The participants were asked to present the Showcase in front of the judges and other participants to rate their product (game and application).
“The potential of each student is disparate, there are excelling in academics, while others were able to excel in non-academic fields. However, achievement accomplishment of any field should be in appreciation “Asya said.
This achievement is expected to be able to spur the spirit of competition for others students of Telkom University both in academic and non-academic.
Adnan Abdullah