Telkom University Wins Two of the Highest Industrial Design and Brand Application Awards in 2019

Jakarta – Again, Telkom University achieved two prestigious awards from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law & Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia at the Synergy of Ministries and Institutions for the Protection of Indonesian Intellectual Property. This award ceremony is held in the Westin Hotel, South Jakarta on Friday (5/11) ).

The two awards are as First Rank Application for Highest Trademark Registration 2019 for Higher Education Category with 18 Applications and First Rank Application for 2019 Highest Industrial Design Registration in Higher Education Category with 41 Applications. The award was presented to the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T. and Bandung Techno Park representative, Geraldi Gunawan.

Rector of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya expresses his deepest gratitude for the achievements that Tel-U has achieved again, to be able to continue to contribute to the country. ” Hopefully, there will be more industrial designs, copyrights, and patents from Telkom University that will benefit Indonesia,” said Adiwijaya.

Interviewed via WhatsApp, Geraldi Gunawan, from the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit, Technology Solutions Section, Directorate of Bandung Techno Park (BTP) explained that Tel-U is competing with several well-known universities in each category. In the Industrial Design category, there are Ciputra University; Pelita Harapan University; Bandung Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, in the Brand Category: President’s University, Bandung Institute of Technology, and Surabaya State University.

“What we are doing is trying to provide the best service to every academic community regarding IPR registration (Copyright, Industrial Design, Patents, and Trademarks). We are grateful for the achievement supported by the results of the intellectual work of academicians who can produce results. A proud result, “said Geraldi.

Geraldi revealed that Tel-U should simultaneously organized various socializations on the importance of protecting Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in general, and continue to provide IPR related services both registration and consultation related to IPR, as well as coordinating with DGIP submitted so that it leads to the issuance of a Certificate of Registration Certificate of Work (Copyright).

“Another effort that is currently being formulated is the granting of IPR incentives in certain categories, namely Patents and Simple Patents to stimulate an increase in university Patent applications.” close Geraldi.