The Application of Digital Marketing Varied the Community Service Program for Telkom University Lecturers

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The series of Community Service activities for Telkom University lecturers to welcome the New Student Admission (PPDB) for the Telkom Tourism Vocational School continues. In its fourth week, the Community Service team raised a topic related to ‘Implementation of Digital Marketing,’ held onsite at the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School Hall on Thursday (27/01).

This Community Service activity collaborates with three faculties at Telkom University, namely the Faculty of Communication and Business, the School of Applied Sciences, and Economics and Business.

The activity, which lasted for three hours, featured three speakers from the Telecommunication & Informatics Business Management (MBTI) lecturer at the School of Business Economics at Telkom University, Happy Millanyani Ph.D. and Dinda Amanda Z. S.E., M.M. 

The main theme, ‘ Implementation of Digital Marketing’, the two speakers divided it into two materials, namely ‘Digital Marketing 101’ and ‘Digital Marketing Strategy.’

The first material related to Digital Marketing 101 was delivered directly by Heppy Millanyani. To increase the participants’ focus, Mrs. Heppy started by inviting the participants to play and presenting a case study through footage of the Itaewon Class K-Drama, which was quite relevant to the material presented. The K-Drama tells of someone who is trying to make his business successful. In the trailer, it can be seen that the main character distributes flyers to customers, but no one receives the flyers.

“In carrying out digital marketing activities, first, it is essential to determine the target market. It should even form some specific personas of the target market. Only then can you develop a digital marketing strategy according to these personas. In addition, in order to increase the effectiveness of communication efforts, present reviews from ordinary consumers and influencers whose words are more trusted by consumers today, “said Heppy.

After determining the target market and strategy, Heppy also stated that we could use consumer reviews because ‘ordinary people’ have more power than marketers. Not only that, but we also have to use consumer reviews to determine the style of the testimonials. Based on research results, consumers do not trust marketers and influencers following their target market.

Dinda Amanda continued to explain the material regarding Digital Marketing Strategy. The material started from the SEO method, using pay-per-click advertising, to provide examples of what content should or can be uploaded on social media.

SEO itself or Search Engine Optimization is a method used to get the website or blog to be in the first position of search engines like Google. This SEO aims to drive more traffic or people towards a particular website. One of the primary things in SEO practice is optimizing keywords and website updates.

“In facing the digital era, marketers must be able to combine the ability to create content and sell products, which we call digital marketing strategy,” said Dinda.

In addition, Dinda also explained that many people use pay-per-click advertising in digital marketing today. This system aims to reach more people who search on google with a keyword.

According to him, SEO and pay-per-click advertising have something in common to make our website the top in the search column. However, SEO and pay-per-click advertising also have differences if SEO does not cost money because it is not advertising if it is pay-per-click. The advertising we have to pay to google if someone clicks on the ads displayed on the google web.

At the end of the material, Dinda provides examples of content uploaded on social media at the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School and provides examples of content creators who can take their knowledge to create additional content.

Based on the two materials presented, it was seen that the participants’ enthusiasm was so great in participating in the PPDB mentoring of the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School. This enthusiasm can also be seen in the participants’ enthusiasm to ask questions during the question-and-answer session.

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