The immediacy of Image Exhibition: Presenting Visual Storytelling to the International Stage

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University through the School of Creative Industries (FIK) is again holding an exhibition of women’s work ‘Merah Delima’. This event was held in a hybrid manner at the Idealoka Telkom University Gallery and through the ZOOM Meeting on Thursday (8/12).

This exhibition entitled “Immediacy of Image 3: Visual Storytelling” was attended by FIK lecturers, academics from outside, and several international artists from Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Czech, and England.

This event was officially opened by Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, S.T., M.Eng., Sc. asVice Rector for Admission, Student Affairs, and Alumni. He gave extraordinary appreciation to the organizers of the event.

“Women have a role in development, education and all aspects of life. It is hoped that through this exhibition women can have more creative ideas in all things.” he said.

This international exhibition series entitled ‘Immediacy of Image’ is the third time and the first time it has been held in a hybrid manner. This is also an important moment for the physical reactivation of the Idealoka Gallery after the pandemic. This shows that the passion and enthusiasm for work on the part of lecturers and art practitioners never fade.

The third series this time is entitled “Visual Storytelling”, which shows that the need for storytelling is very important in our daily lives, and how different media of storytelling also greatly affect the form and impression of the story, as presented by the exhibitors this time.

Author: Karina Permata | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations

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