Bandung, Telkom University – Every student needs to know how to develop a proper research proposal, hence it will open a wide chance to access the grant from the Higher Education. To support this, the School of Creative Industries (FIK) organized an introduction workshop of PKM-T entitled “Best Directives and Strategies” on Tuesday (18/4) at FIK Gallery 1st Floor, Telkom University.
At the beginning of the event, Vice Dean of FIK, Refi Rifaldy revealed that the purpose of this workshop is to equip students to be able to properly prepare proposals in particular for Creativity Program Student (PKM) this year. “Hopefully today, the students received useful knowledge, so that it can prepare proper proposal to obtain the grants from Higher Education. “Refi said.
The event was attended by students from various faculties at Telkom University and invited a speaker from Telkom University who was appointed by the Higher Education, Endang Budiasih, M.T. which describes in detail about what’s on PKM 2017.
“Choose the actual problem, relevant and urgent to be solved. Associate with PKM field to find a solution. Wherever possible direct benefit to society. The more useful the work, it will most likely be prioritized “he said.
Abdullah Adnan