The Launching Of Quick ISK Telkom University

Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 YouTube Google Chrome 18 05 2020 11 42 03

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University as Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) based university continues to innovate even during this pandemic. The innovation just created by Telkom University is a Mobile Application titled Quick ISK (Instrument Supplement Conversion).

Having the tagline “One Quick Count Application, Conversion of Accreditation Ranking” (Satu Aplikasi Hitung Cepat, Konversi Peringkat Akreditasi, red) this application can help universities in calculating score predictions quickly, converting Higher Education (PT) or Study Program (Study Program) accreditation ratings, as well as recommendations for increasing PT accreditation or the Study Program.

This tool is designed by taking into account the points of assessment points in the IS or PT accreditation instrument accreditation by the policies of the Higher Education National Accreditation Agency (BAN-PT).

The launching was carried out by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, Prof. Uman Suherman Head of LLDIKTI Region IV, and Prof. Tjan Basarudin Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board, along with the socialization of “Higher Education Quality Assurance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period” which took place live on the Telkom University youtube channel and Zoom Application, Monday (18/5) was attended by at least 489 universities under LLDIKTI Region IV (Institution of Higher Education Services Region IV).

Director of Telkom University Secretariat & Strategic Planning Dr. Anisah Firli explained that this application was Telkom University’s contribution to improving the spirit of Quality Assurance during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially universities under LLDIKTI Region IV.

“The purpose of making this Quick ISK mobile apps is based on that the quality assurance is inseparable from the name of information technology, especially amid this pandemic, at this time we (Tel-U) are also doing an update on forms carried out online, starting from discussions and socialization. , and this ISK also still refers to the new regulations related to the Merdeka Campus. ” She explained.

Firli added that this application is also able to take into account all the indicators that exist in the BAN-PT matrix so that users can measure whether the College or Study Program has been able to do the conversion.

“After logging in and filling in the data, this application will convert ranking on one, wherefrom the rating system A, B or C to a ranking system, Excellent, Excellent and Good, and can be seen whether the study program or PT can be confirmed or not. Then if you have deficiencies this system will automatically provide recommendations. ” She said.