The World of Education in the Pandemic Period

Zoom Webinar 19 05 2020 11 28 23

BANDUNG, Telkom University – All industrial sectors struggling a disease outbreak caused by the coronavirus or commonly known as COVID-19 (Corona Virus Diseases-19). Then how is the condition of the education sector in Indonesia during this pandemic?

Elsevier Asia Pacific held an Expert Series Webinar titled “The Roles of Higher Education in Facing the New Normal: During and After Covid-19”. In this webinar, Rector of Telkom University Prof. Adiwijaya and the University of Indonesia Student Director Dr. Devie Rahmawati will share about how universities deal with this pandemic.

The webinar conducted through the Zoom Application on Tuesday (5/19) was attended by a thousand participants from all over Indonesia.

In his presentation, Prof. Adiwijaya explained that what is happening now is The New Normal and Telkom University after the pandemic status has been determined by the government to have conducted Work / Study From Home since March 2020.

“After this pandemic was imposed, we immediately postponed the graduation ceremony in March, to prevent the widespread of COVID-19, also, we have formed a COVID-19 standby cluster team, which is a form of our concern (Tel-U ) to prevent COVID-19. ” He said.

During the Study From Home, Prof. Adiwijaya explained that the learning process is done online learning, both online classes, exams take place online, the final project until the final trial is done online.

“Besides, we also provide internet quota subsidies to all students, lecturers, and staff to facilitate the process of study/work from home.” He said.

Prof. Adiwijaya said that currently the odd semester lecture process was completed, and according to the satisfaction students gave to the campus, the satisfaction level obtained from students reached 95%.

“The 95% satisfaction level that we (Tel-U) received is, student satisfaction related to online learning. We usually ask students to do feedback at the end of each semester, this aims to improve the quality of education going forward. ” He said.

Prof. Adiwijaya added that by monitoring the condition of the entire academic community through online check-ins every day, it was a form of Tel-U’s concern for COVID-19 prevention.

“We require all students, lecturers, and staff to check in every day, check in here to inform themselves and their families to monitor the condition of the whole community.” He explained.

Prof. Adiwijaya hopes that this webinar can jointly stop the spread of COVID-19.

“Hopefully what Tel-U share with participants can be useful, so we can get through this pandemic.”