Kipas Budaya Telkom University, A Culture Strengthening Acceleration

07 14 Kipas Budaya Bentuk Budaya Telkom University

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The culture of Telkom University (Harmony, Excellence, and Integrity) should be internalized by all Telkom University academicians, from the management, all lecturers, staff, and students.

Through the Kipas Budaya (Culture Activation Provocation Community), Telkom University accelerates the strengthening of Tel-U way in creating a mindset and good behavior for all academicians.

Based on Telkom University Rector Decree number KR 0363 / SDM4 / SDM / 2020 dated 10 July 2020 concerning the Formation of the Cultural Fan Team. On Tuesday (7/14) at regular Leadership Meeting, Telkom University conduct the Kipas BudayaTelkom University Kick-Off.  Culture Leader (Role Model) of Kipas Budaya is the Rector of Telkom University, and Culture Champions are the Vice-Rector and Deans.

The role of the Culture Leader and Culture Champion here as an example or figure of the core value implementation at Telkom University and to guide planning and developing the institution in the future, as well as being responsible for implementing the values ??of the institution.

Culture Champion also provides direction to the Change Management Team consists of the Director of Human Resources as Coordinator and all Directors and Chairpersons of the Telkom University Research Center.

The Culture Management Team as a brainware will oversee and evaluate the KIPAS BUDAYA program. Besides, the Team also arrange the recommendation appreciation of employees/units which successfully implemented the values ??of the institution.

In realizing a good institutional culture the Culture Management Team will be assisted by a Culture Agent consisting of Deputy Dean of Resources from each faculty and to parts of each related unit. Where Culture Agent together with Culture Booster, namely representatives of lecturers and staff from all Faculties and Units will be tasked to jointly promote institutional culture programs and actively support the successful implementation of institutional culture programs in their respective units and faculties.

As Culture Leader, Rector of Telkom University Prof. Adiwijaya said that the purpose of Kipas Budaya was to shape the value of Telkom University in the future for the better through embedded culture.

Prof. Adiwijaya added, through this Kipas Budaya, Telkom University could continue to create a better generation of the nation for the survival of this country.

“Therefore, this Kipas Budaya involves the entire academic community because as educational institutions, we must be able to create a good generation for this nation. I hope that the benchmarks of success of this program will not only be in the form of cognitive aspects but ultimately it must become a good culture for the future generation. ” He explained.