TIP with Kominfo and Meta Connectivity to Develop Open Technology & Metaverse in Indonesia

Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Swasta Terbaik di Bandung Indonesia, Tel-U telah terakreditasi Unggul, dan program studinya sudah terakreditasi Unggul atau A.

BARCELONA, Telkom University – In line with the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) program, which seeks to advance digital and economic growth in Indonesia, a meeting was held between Kominfo and Meta Connectivity at Mobile World Congress 2022 on Wednesday (1/3) in Barcelona.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Johny G Plate, Director General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology, Dr. Ismail, Indonesian Ambassador to Spain, Dr. Muhammad Najib, and Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Global Vish Mathur.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Johny G Plate, said that the main focus of the ministry at this time is the affordability of communication access which is the key to Indonesia’s future economic development.

“Currently, the Indonesian economy is supported by 60% of SMEs. Affordability and access to expanding connectivity coverage are key to sustaining and developing Indonesia’s economy. To expand the reach of the internet to make it more affordable, the ministry is looking for every possible solution and option, including building partnerships and collaborating with third parties, as well as securing funding from both internal and external parties,” said Johny G Plate.

In addition, Johny G Plate also added the importance of developing digital talent for Indonesia, which will later become one of the pillars in preparing Indonesia to become a developed nation.

US State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Stephen Anderson expressed his support to assist in handling broadband for remote areas in Indonesia.

“The US is interested in tackling broadband for underserved areas in rural areas of Indonesia. In addition, we can also help with investment and support the US ecosystem through the state, NTIA, USAID and can support local hardware assembly,” said Stephen Anderson.

USAID Officer Kate Dimsdale added her support to Kominfo, TIP, and Telkom University to develop digital talent in Indonesia.

“We are happy to support Kominfo, TIP, and Telkom University in developing training and certification programs to prepare digital talent in Indonesia,” said Kate Dimsdale.

The Director of Operation Telecom Infra Project, Rocky Bullock, also said that TIP and Telkom University would develop training and certification programs to prepare digital talent.

VP Connectivity Meta, Dan R. conveyed his support and openness to collaborate in product creation and development of open technology and metaverse ecosystems in Indonesia.

“Right now, we need Open Innovative Research and Innovative Engineering. Meta Connectivity is ready and open to collaborate and play a different role in Indonesia.”

And R also added that local manufacturing for openran and open wifi is essential in developing ecosystems in Indonesia. Meta wants to support this collaboration and work for hand in hand with the government. Meta has a blueprint called Evenstar that can be used as a reference for establishing local manufacturing for OpenVPN.

Telkom’s representative, Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid, Telkom’s Director of Digital Business, said that Telkom is ready to increase the form of cooperation. There are three essential things that Fajrin highlighted, namely building local resource capacity and empowering ecosystems, and this Metaverse can provide benefits for many people.

Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, said that the collaboration between Telkom University and the National Research Agency (BRIN) is proof that Telkom University focuses on technology development including Metaverse.

“Currently, Tel-U is working with BRIN to develop metaverse products and use cases such as AR/VR innovation, 3D hologram products, Video 360, and other metaverse-based products in education and tourism. It is proof that Tel-U focuses on technology development, including Metaverse. We believe that this is the time for us to work together and work hand in hand between Meta Connectivity, Telkom, TIP, and the local industry to ensure that everyone will immediately feel the benefits of the Metaverse.” said Adiwijaya.

In addition to meeting with several American representatives, Meta Connectivity and TIP, at the same event, an MoU was also held between Telkom University and TIP Academy, which focused on strategic collaboration to build digital talent in Indonesia and the Southeast Asian region. The signing of the MoU was witnessed directly by the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate, Director General of Communications and Informatics Dr. Ismail, Indonesian Ambassador to Spain Dr. Muhammad Najib.

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