Tips for Managing Internal Influencers

tip mengelola internal influencer

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The role and function of company employees as internal influencers is very strategic in the current era of social media. When becoming an internal influencer, employees who have high loyalty and a good understanding of business operations and the company’s brand can act as a spokesperson for the company. The role of internal influencers is as important as external influencers, who often have large numbers of followers/subscribers.

It was conveyed by PT Bio Farma’s Corporate Communication, Yuni Miyansari, M.Ikom, as a guest lecturer at the Public Relations Practitioner’s Talk (PRP-Talk). The event name “Tips for Managing Internal Influencers” was held online by the Digital Public Relations Study Program. , Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Friday (13/5).

From this theme, Yuni explained that various companies and agencies currently have internal influences or digitroops, considering that their existence can help companies and institutions provide information and educate the public through their respective social media accounts.

“We refer to internal influencers at Bio Farma as Digitroops, which consists of 20 active employees and are millennial employees from various work units and active users of social media with a minimum of 1000 followers,” he said.

Yuni added that 50% of employees at Bio Farma are gen Y or millennials, through this program will significantly optimize the company in influencing the community. Because in many ways, internal influences are more effective than external influences. However, companies and institutions need to equip employees who will act as internal influencers with several skills to optimize their roles and functions.

“One of the skills that must be possessed is to become a digital storyteller who can write and build stories that touch and attract public attention. In addition, an internal influencer must have a good attitude when using social media, considering that netizens are currently able to trace the digital footprint of each account owner on social media,” he said.

According to Yuni, however, a good reputation from an internal influencer is an absolute requirement that must be owned because they become a representative of the company or institution.

According to Hadi Purnama, M, Si. As a lecturer in the Digital Public Relations 2 course, this agenda is a routine activity held by the public relations study program by inviting practitioners to become guest lecturers to share experiences in the world of work, as well as discuss the implementation of Digital Public Relations in the world of work.

“This activity is a provision for student friends in preparing themselves to enter the world of work, it is hoped that through this activity, students get a concrete picture of the world of work, and we can update the implementation of Digital PR in corporations and institutions,” he said.

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