Two Team Tel-U Successfully Crowned as the Winner in APICTA Award 2016


BANDUNG, TEL-U โ€“ Again, the international achievements achieved by Telkom University (Tel-U). At this time the Tel-U carve a name in APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance) Award 2016 followed by 17 Countries Asia Pacific in The Grand Hotel, Taipei Taiwan 2 until 5 December 2016. They received the award in the category of Tertiary Student Project.

APICTA is an ICT alliance which established and enhance the network to increase cooperation in the field of ICT and to increase technological innovation and encourage the development of ICT for the global market.

This event has been held since 2001 and nowadays is followed by 200 teams from 17 countries in Asia Pacific. Indonesia sent eight teams, two of them are from Tel-U, while the rest include UGM, ITS, Amikom, and Unikom.

APICTA Awards is an international awards program which aims to increase ICT awareness in the community and assist in bridging the digital divide. The program is designed to stimulate ICT innovation and creativity, promote economic and trade relations, facilitate technology transfer, and offer appropriate business opportunities through venture capitalists exposure and investors.

According to team leader of Hoome Team, Dody Qori Utama, ST, MT, two teams from Tel-U consists of Hoome Team; Masyithah Nur Aulia, Annisa Riyani, Azka Khoirunnisa, Andika Pradana Arif Wicaksono, and Rezka Bunaiya Prayudha. While the Heart Team consists of Dr Satria Mandala as the leader, with members of Muhammad Alif Akbar, Shamila, Lusi Husriana Nova, Ihda Husnayain, Hasbi Rabbani, and Qhansa Di’Ayu Putri Bayu.

“We achieved the Merit Award in the category of Tertiary Student Project. Merit Award is a tribute to the team that has a small difference in the assessment point or the public may be considered as a runner up or silver medal, “said Dody, Thursday (9/12).

Dody explained that the product is done by a hoome team is the first smart house which is try to adapt to the conditions and the convenience of users. Unlike the existing smart home, hoome will spread sensors on the user, not the environment. User conditions such as stress levels, the mood, consciousness, the comfort level and others will be recorded by wearable devices.

“We use three wearable devices such as EEG, EMG, and smartwatch. After getting the condition of the user, the application will set up equipment in the house, such as arranging the lighting, temperature, aroma therapy, as well as a TV or home entertainment at that house, “he said.

Dodi expected that these ideas can be applied in the community to implement a real smart home. “We hope that our ideas are applied and did not end up in the library or media,” he said. (PR / AW)

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