Utilization of 5G Technology at Telkom University

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia continues to innovate in the field of technology. In collaboration with Telkomsel, Telkom University develops the 5G ecosystem in Indonesia. Simultaneously inaugurated in five cities in Indonesia, Telkomsel 5G service in the Bandung area was held at Telkom University on Monday (07/06).

Director of Human Capital Management Telkomsel R. Muharram Perbawamukti said, “The presence of Telkomsel 5G services in these five cities is a manifestation of Telkomsel’s commitment as the first 5G operator in Indonesia in providing access to leading digital connectivity which will further encourage the opening of wider opportunities for all possibilities, including in terms of community empowerment and industrial sector transformation,” he said.

Telkomsel also signed a memorandum of understanding with Telkom University to conduct research on 5G technology, accelerate efforts to utilize and develop 5G and its ecosystem, as well as encourage the birth of future digital talents capable of realizing the nation’s digital independence.

Rector of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, S.Si., M.Sc., said, “We academics at Telkom University are proud to be the first campus that can enjoy 5G networks in Indonesia. We will continue to be committed with Telkomsel to jointly develop the 5G network to be able to provide significant changes to people’s lives in the future,” he said.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya also added that Telkom University is committed to continuing to collaborate and contribute together with all stakeholders from regulators, operators, and also local governments. Through Telkomsel’s 5G network, the use of 5G at Telkom University will greatly assist the implementation of the main tasks of higher education, namely the tri dharma of higher education which includes education, research, and community service.

“I hope that with the support of 5G on the Telkom University campus, it can foster the enthusiasm of Telkom University researchers to continue to develop research and produce innovations that lead to the benefit of the Indonesian people. As a center of excellence, we are committed to producing the best digital talent needed by this nation, as well as being able to support and develop 5G technology and Indonesia’s digital independence in the future. Thank you, Telkomsel for allowing us to enjoy the first 5G network in Indonesia.”

At Telkom University, several applications and innovations have been developed from research on the use of 5G technology and its ecosystem. Examples include the Telesthethoscope, an internet of things (IoT) based stethoscope that allows data storage of lung and heart sound recordings as well as remote users so that their use is safer during a pandemic. PATRIOT-NET is an integrated system in disaster prevention efforts in the form of an early warning system by utilizing IoT technology and integrated with telecommunications network recovery innovations using Mobile Cognitive Radio Base Station (MCRBS). An autonomous UVC Mobile Robot is an autonomous robot that can sterilize medical isolation rooms with UVC light. Doctor Representative Robot (Doper) is a communication tool between doctors and Covid-19 patients remotely that enables infrared temperature monitoring. The Arrhythmias Monitoring System (Amons), which is an electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring tool with a higher level of accuracy and sensitivity, Smart Agriculture, which is an IoT-based soil nutrient detector; and others.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it will open up more research opportunities for the development of innovations in the use of appropriate 5G technology so that the Indonesian people can become smart digital entrepreneurs who can encourage Indonesia’s transformation towards complete digital sovereignty and independence.

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