YPT Allocate 2.5 Billion Scholarships for Tel-U Students

As part of the Telkom Education Foundation (YPT), Telkom University always provides the best educational facilities for prospective students. One of them is the distribution of scholarships for selected outstanding students. Through Tel-U, on Thursday (29/09), YPT disbursed student scholarship funds worth 2.5 billion.

The endowment fund handing event at Telkom University was attended by the YPT Board of Directors, such as the YPT President Director. Dodi Irawan said that YPT would continue to provide endowment funds on a regular basis to support Telkom University’s needs.

“We (YPT) will continue to provide endowment funds on a regular and ongoing basis to support the needs of Telkom University. For example, student scholarships, improving the quality of research, expanding international cooperation, campus facilities & infrastructure, and other policies,” explained Dodi.

The Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, expressed his gratitude for the funds provided by YPT. Hopefully, this fund can benefit Telkom University, YPT Group, and the nation and state for something more significant and valuable.

“The endowment fund given today, we thank YPT. This fund will be a provision for us to continue providing the best and become a mandate we must fulfill. Hopefully, this fund can provide benefits for Telkom University, YPT Group, as well as the nation and state for something bigger and beneficial for all.” he said.

The endowment fund was given as a form of YPT’s concern for the future of Telkom University. The funds were submitted as a form of support for Telkom University in ensuring its existence, sustainability, achievement, and reputation in the long term.

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