YPT Holds Innovation and Education Virtual Exhibition

Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT) menggelar pameran virtual  Telkomcampus Education & Innovation Space (TEIS) 2022. Antusiasme masyarakat pada pelaksanaan TEIS ini sangat tinggi, pada  hari pertama pelaksanaan TEIS saja tercatat lebih dari 1.000 orang telah mengunjungi berbagai booth yang ada, baik itu booth Pendidikan maupun inovasi. 

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) held a virtual exhibition Telkomcampus Education & Innovation Space (TEIS) 2022. Public enthusiasm for the implementation of TEIS was very high; on the first day of TEIS alone, more than 1,000 people visited various booths, whether it was an Education booth or innovation.

The exhibition, entitled Innovation for Education Excellence, presents a variety of innovative products from the Telkom Schools and Telkom Campus Educational Institutions under the auspices of the YPT Group. A total of 77 innovative products were displayed, ranging from innovations in the fields of Health, Education (learning) to the environment.

President Director of the Telkom Education Foundation, Sindhu Aryanto, said that educational institutions expected to become centers of excellence prioritize research and development of scientific and technological innovations in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. It is in line with the theme of this activity, namely “Innovation for Education Excellence.”

“TEIS 2022 is an event for the creation of scientists who have conducted research and development of various innovative products. The results of this research are displayed as proof that the research results so far have been beneficial to the community,” he said in the opening remarks for TEIS 2022.

TEIS 2022 will open on March 17, 2022, and will be held until September 2022. The public can visit TEIS via the link https://teis.telkomcampus.id/. By having this innovation exhibition, it is hoped that it can help create superior human resources, namely human resources who are creative and adaptive and able to face various challenges in the future.

“In addition, YPT encourages educational institutions to create a creative and innovative learning climate to produce a superior and professional generation in science and technology, research and innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and ability to compete nationally and internationally,” he explained.

Each institution brings innovative products that have been successfully developed and utilized by the community. Some of them have even received awards. Telkom University, for example, exhibited its superior products, one of which was Patriot-Net. This prevention facility monitors four disasters at once and restores telecommunication networks using Mobile Cognitive Radio Base Station (MCRBS). It is an innovation in the form of a multifunctional medical device that can assist patients and medical personnel in conducting health checks. This tool is equipped with seven valuable features.

Meanwhile, Banyumas Digital Valley from ITTelkom Purwokerto is the driver of downstream product innovation in growing digital technology-based innovation in Indonesia. Another innovation born for handling Covid-19 is the sensor-based Handwashing Auto and sewage disposal treatment from ITTelkom Jakarta. This work is an innovation of an automatic hand washing device based on a motion sensor to anticipate the spread of covid 19 and sewage disposal treatment, which is a downcycling of hand washing water waste so that it can be reused for irrigating plants.

Furthermore, Telkom Schools brings innovative products in education, including My Diary, an educational service in schools by improving school library services to become a center for student-friendly and fun technology-based literacy activities. Cloud computing systems as a means of learning for teachers and students, and many others.

In addition to displaying innovative works from institutions, the virtual exhibition also reveals no less exciting information. For those who want to know the Telkom Campus environment more closely without coming in person, the virtual collection offers Virtual Tour facilities and aerial views. This technology will make it easier for anyone who wants to know about the environment and facilities by allowing someone to see a location 360 degrees earned in videos or photos. In addition, there is information on new student admissions and Batu Student Admissions, which contains information related to available majors, opening schedules, and various scholarships.

The Innovation for Education Excellence virtual exhibition is complemented by a series of events in the form of a live event stage Talk Show featuring top figures, a Music Show enlivened by contemporary artists, and a Seminar filled with revolutionary figures. (YPT)

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