Wantiknas Invited Telkom University to Develop the ICT

070317 kunjungan wantiknas

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Board of National Information and Communication Technology (Wantiknas) visited Telkom University for the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indonesia. This meeting was held in Bangkit Building 5th floor Telkom University, Monday (6/3).

Garuda Sugardo as members of the Executive Team (Timlak) also the Head of the Working Group on Infrastructure and Hardware National ICT Council (Wantiknas) said that there were four universities joined in Wantiknas, and Telkom University as a ICT-based campus was appropriate to be part of cooperation for the development of ICT in Indonesia.

“Our hope is Telkom University became the fifth university to join us for ICT development in Indonesia, because it’s been a lot of Tel-U alumni working on the ICT industry” said Garuda.

In accordance with Wantiknas program 2016 to formulate the concept NGCIO (National Government Chief ICT Officer), create the smart city and formulate the concept of migrating data to the data center, Garuda said that the development of smart city and e-government today would not be separated from the role of universities of creating competent human resources in the field of ICT.

“One of the conditions for the success of an e-government and smart city is to have a competent ICT human resources in order to create digital innovation development” he said.

During the meeting, Rector of Telkom University Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng., Ph.D., said that Telkom University Wantiknas ready to assist in the development of ICT because it fits with the vision of Tel-U which is becoming a world-class university that contribute to the development of science and art based on ICT.

“Thank you in advance we were invited to join in Wantiknas members, and we are ready to develop ICT-based Indonesian nation” said Rector.

Rector hopes that the future Telkom University can be included in national ICT council and this collaboration can create e-government and smart city is good for Indonesia.

“Our hope, the cooperation between Wantiknas and universities in Indonesia, especially Telkom University could help in the development of ICT in Indonesia,” he said.


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