Amalia Djuwita: The Purpose of Being a Lecturer Is to Share

purnabakti Amalia Djunita

Bandung, Telkom University – When entering her retirement, Dr. Amalia Djuwita said that her desire to share the knowledge gained when working in the field of public relations (PR) at PT Telkom Indonesia motivated her to work in the field of education. She said it on the sideline of the Executive Board of Telkom University Meeting in Bangkit Building, Tuesday, January 10th, 2023.

“Since joining PT Telkom Indonesia as a Public Relations practitioner, I think the knowledge I have gained as a Public Relations practitioner needs to be shared to new generations and that is why I decided to be a lecturer” she explained.

She added that her previous job really helped her when teaching Public Relations. “The job I had as a public relations practitioner helps me when I teach the students since I can collaborate my experiences and theories on Public Relations.” She said.

During her career as an academician, Amalia has conducted a lot of research in the field of communication and public relations. She focused on investor relations, public relations, and corporate communication management. 

Author: Adrian; Editor: Daris Maulana; Documentation: Public Relations

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