Awaken the Entrepreneur Soul Facing of AEC

Awaken Entre

BANDUNG, TEL-U – High unemployment cannot be separated from the poor quality of education and the lack of jobs availability in Indonesia. So that in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) The entrepreneurial spirit is needed. Not only businessmen, anyone should have the courage and creativity like an entrepreneur.

“The solution of problem between them, add and create jobs, improve the output quality of education in Indonesia, and generate new entrepreneurs,” said Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business Telkom University Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D at Juragan Forum Seminar which held on Sunday (3/5).
Doddie added that most of the micro-entrepreneur is a class that cannot answer the reduction of unemployment. It should continue to be pursued for the business expansion scale of young entrepreneurs.
“Nowaday, people have started to realize the importance of entrepreneurial spirit, the motivation to become entrepreneurs began to grow. First noted 59% motivation and 41% skill. Now, 43% of motivation, 57% skill. However, there is a problem with skill, either good marketing skills or use of technology, and more, “said Doddie.

Clearly, in a group of efficiency-driven country, Indonesia involved as country with a high number of entrepreneurial intentions include high fear of failure is relatively low compared to countries in Southeast Asia.
Again, back to the group age 25-44 years old, high school graduate and equal, located in Java, and income below 5 million dollars should be prioritized. Based on Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFC) and compared with the economies of Southeast Asia, Indonesia has a low number for: the readiness of infrastructure, R & D transfer, and regulatory support.

“We’re already on the right track in creating the young entrepreneurs by using good” ecosystem ” approach that will invite many: prospective entrepreneurs, inventors and creators, investors, teachers and mentors, researchers, the analysis, the developers of the business, “said Doddie. (Purel / Tyas / Risca)

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