Category: News

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Kado Akhir Tahun, FEB Kembali Raih Best of The Best, School of Management

JAKARTA, TEL-U –Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) kembali meraih gelar The Best School of Management  pada kategori Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Terakreditasi A dari Majalah Mix Marketing. Piagam sebagai sekolah komunikasi terbaik ini diterima oleh Dekan FEB Ir. Dodie Tricahyono M.M., Ph.D , di Anex Building, Wisma Nusantara, Jakarta, Rabu (16/12) malam.


Year-end gifts, FEB Crowned as Best of the Best School of Management

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) won The Best School of Management in A category Accredited Colleges of Marketing from Mix magazine. The best communication charter was received by FEB Dean, Ir. Dodie Tricahyono MM, Ph.D., at Anex Building, Wisma Nusantara, Jakarta, Wednesday (16/12).

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Bachelor of Fine Art


Becoming an excellent Arts Program to produce graduates who are professional, independent , creative , and competitive in the development of creative industries based on Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) and based culture of the archipelago


Organizing Arts Education produces graduates who are competent in the field of creative industries ;
Develop a work of art by using ICT ;
Incorporating elements of the culture of the archipelago as a starting point in working in professionalism .

Produce graduates who are professionals in the field of fine arts creative , competitive , able to innovate and active role in the development of the social field of art and creative industries globally ;
Produce graduates who are able to integrate and transform the boundaries of conventional art science with other scientific fields , especially ICT and culture of the archipelago ;
Being Tridharma college referral activities in the areas of teaching , research and community service and expanding cooperation with similar study programs , professional actors and arts social scene both at home and abroad;
Produce graduates who are competent and can develop fine arts science community to contribute in a professional manner .
Profile Graduates

Profile graduate of Fine Arts Program S1 is as follows :

Professional Artist / Mural Artist / Exhibition Artists ( Artist )
Cover / comic Illustrator
3D Consultant , Art Educator / Teacher / Professor
Thinkers / Observer Art , Arts Management Experts
Curator / A , stylist Environmental Aesthetics
Art & Antiques Market
Craft Industry ( Textiles , Ceramics , Jewellery , Metal , Glass )
Performing Art
TV , Broadcasting , Cinematography Industry
Estates , Banking , Corporate , Insurance , Law , Tourism, Security , Other Service Industry
Management of Venues ( Theatres , Halls , Places of Public Entertainments )
Fine Art & Antiques Auctions
Painting & Sculpture Collectible
Metalwork Workshop
Fairs & Exhibitions
Management: Museums , Galleries
Presses & Institutions
Gallery Owner , Curator , Director
Art Critic / Art Critic , Art Writer


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Alumni IKOM FKB Tel-U Ikuti Sertifikasi Profesi PR

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sebanyak 10 orang alumni Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis TELKOM University (Ikom FKB Tel-U) ikut program sertifikasi profesi humas (Public Relations) Minggu-Selasa (13 – 15/12) di Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung. Mereka adalah alumni dari angkatan 2009 hingga 2011.

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Perpustakaan Tel-U Bina Perpustakaan Sekolah Terpencil

GARUT, TEL-U – Unit Sumber Daya Keilmuan dan Perpustakaan Telkom University (Tel-U) bekerja sama dengan Cakrawala Baca (CB) memberikan sumbangan berupa buku dan alat tulis kepada SDN Sukalaksana 2 di Kampung Neglasari Desa Sukalaksana Kecamatan Talegong Kabupaten Garut, Kamis (17/12). SDN Sukalaksana 2 merupakan salah satu “SD Binaan” Cakrawala Baca dan Unit Sumber Daya Keilmuan dan Perpustakaan Tel-U dalam program “Open Education”.

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Tel-U Library Developed The School Library in Remote Area

GARUT, TEL-U – Scientific Resource and Library Unit Telkom University (Tel-U) in collaboration with Cakarawala Baca (CB) – Horizon Read donated books and stationery to SDN Sukalaksana 2 in Neglasari, Sukalaksana District of Talegong Garut, on Thursday ( 17/12). SDN Sukalaksana 2 was one of the “Spetronage Elementary School” Cakrawala Baca and Scientific Resource and Library Unit Tel-U in “Open Education” program.

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Sinergikan Kebutuhan Industri, Dosen FKB Company Visit ke Citilink

JAKARTA, TEL-U—Asean Economy Community (AEC) atau lebih akrab dengan istilah Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) telah bergulir lama, dan akan memulai debutnya di penghujung tahun 2015. MEA merupakan basis pemersatu negara-negara Asean untuk berkompetisi secara terbuka, melalui penguatan ekonomi dan pasar bebas.