JAKARTA, TEL-U –Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) kembali meraih gelar The Best School of Management pada kategori Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Terakreditasi A dari Majalah Mix Marketing. Piagam sebagai sekolah komunikasi terbaik ini diterima oleh Dekan FEB Ir. Dodie Tricahyono M.M., Ph.D , di Anex Building, Wisma Nusantara, Jakarta, Rabu (16/12) malam.
JAKARTA, TEL-U – Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) won The Best School of Management in A category Accredited Colleges of Marketing from Mix magazine. The best communication charter was received by FEB Dean, Ir. Dodie Tricahyono MM, Ph.D., at Anex Building, Wisma Nusantara, Jakarta, Wednesday (16/12).
Becoming an excellent Arts Program to produce graduates who are professional, independent , creative , and competitive in the development of creative industries based on Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) and based culture of the archipelago
Organizing Arts Education produces graduates who are competent in the field of creative industries ;
Develop a work of art by using ICT ;
Incorporating elements of the culture of the archipelago as a starting point in working in professionalism .
Produce graduates who are professionals in the field of fine arts creative , competitive , able to innovate and active role in the development of the social field of art and creative industries globally ;
Produce graduates who are able to integrate and transform the boundaries of conventional art science with other scientific fields , especially ICT and culture of the archipelago ;
Being Tridharma college referral activities in the areas of teaching , research and community service and expanding cooperation with similar study programs , professional actors and arts social scene both at home and abroad;
Produce graduates who are competent and can develop fine arts science community to contribute in a professional manner .
Profile Graduates
Profile graduate of Fine Arts Program S1 is as follows :
Professional Artist / Mural Artist / Exhibition Artists ( Artist )
Cover / comic Illustrator
3D Consultant , Art Educator / Teacher / Professor
Thinkers / Observer Art , Arts Management Experts
Curator / A , stylist Environmental Aesthetics
Art & Antiques Market
Craft Industry ( Textiles , Ceramics , Jewellery , Metal , Glass )
Performing Art
TV , Broadcasting , Cinematography Industry
Estates , Banking , Corporate , Insurance , Law , Tourism, Security , Other Service Industry
Management of Venues ( Theatres , Halls , Places of Public Entertainments )
Fine Art & Antiques Auctions
Painting & Sculpture Collectible
Metalwork Workshop
Fairs & Exhibitions
Management: Museums , Galleries
Presses & Institutions
Gallery Owner , Curator , Director
Art Critic / Art Critic , Art Writer
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sebanyak 10 orang alumni Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis TELKOM University (Ikom FKB Tel-U) ikut program sertifikasi profesi humas (Public Relations) Minggu-Selasa (13 – 15/12) di Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung. Mereka adalah alumni dari angkatan 2009 hingga 2011.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – A total of 10 alumni of Communication Studies Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB IKOM Tel-U) attended Public Relation professional certification programs on Sunday to Tuesday (13 – 15/12) at Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung. They were alumni from class of 2009 to 2011.
GARUT, TEL-U – Unit Sumber Daya Keilmuan dan Perpustakaan Telkom University (Tel-U) bekerja sama dengan Cakrawala Baca (CB) memberikan sumbangan berupa buku dan alat tulis kepada SDN Sukalaksana 2 di Kampung Neglasari Desa Sukalaksana Kecamatan Talegong Kabupaten Garut, Kamis (17/12). SDN Sukalaksana 2 merupakan salah satu “SD Binaan” Cakrawala Baca dan Unit Sumber Daya Keilmuan dan Perpustakaan Tel-U dalam program “Open Education”.
GARUT, TEL-U – Scientific Resource and Library Unit Telkom University (Tel-U) in collaboration with Cakarawala Baca (CB) – Horizon Read donated books and stationery to SDN Sukalaksana 2 in Neglasari, Sukalaksana District of Talegong Garut, on Thursday ( 17/12). SDN Sukalaksana 2 was one of the “Spetronage Elementary School” Cakrawala Baca and Scientific Resource and Library Unit Tel-U in “Open Education” program.
JAKARTA, TEL-U—Asean Economy Community (AEC) atau lebih akrab dengan istilah Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) telah bergulir lama, dan akan memulai debutnya di penghujung tahun 2015. MEA merupakan basis pemersatu negara-negara Asean untuk berkompetisi secara terbuka, melalui penguatan ekonomi dan pasar bebas.
JAKARTA, TEL-U-Asean Economy Community (AEC) has rolled long, and will start on the late of 2015. The AEC is the unifying basis for ASEAN countries to compete openly, through strengthening the economy and free market.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mustafa, alumnus Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Tel-U, berhasil meraih penghargaan sebagai Sutradara Terbaik dalam ajang Bandung Youth Short Film Competition 2015. Mustafa berhasil meraih penghargaan tersebut melalui film besutannya, Opor Operan.