Closer Look at BTP’s Startup  

Currently, the creative industry is expanding. According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia’s website, creative economy sub-sector generated Rp1,153.4 trillion of GDP in 2019, or 7.3% of the total national GDP, 15.2% of the workforce, and 11.9% of exports. The creative industry is defined as an industry that uses creativity and abilities from an individual’s talents; one example of a company involved in the creative industry is (TS.ID).

Mochammad Rachmansyah, Miftahul Firdaus, and Syafrizal Mahendra founded the company in early 2020. Mochammad Rachmansyah and Syafrizal Mahendra both graduated from Telkom University’s Department of Communication Science and Telecommunication Engineering in 2016. Cendekia Muda Digimedia’s TalentSeeker.ID (TS.ID) platform serves as an event integration and creative industry marketplace. Rachmansyah explained that the goal of (TS.ID) is to create various spaces, stages, and income channels to encourage partner progression and to build a comprehensive event and creative industry ecosystem by becoming a talent marketplace, event organizer, vendor, venue, media partner, and sponsorship.

“The goal of TS.ID is to create a diverse space, stage, and income channel to encourage partner progress and make it easier for consumers to find them, as well as to create a comprehensive event and creative industry ecosystem by becoming a talent marketplace, event organizer, vendor, venue, media partner, and sponsorship,” Rachmansyah explained.

Now, is conducting an incubation program at Bandung Techno Park Telkom University. Rachmansyah picked Bandung Techno Park (BTP) because BTP has an excellent degree of trust in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Telkom University’s alma mater (Tel-U).

“The reason to choose Bandung Techno Park as an incubation location is because we have a high trust in the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Telkom University’s alma mater,” Rachmansyah explained.

Rachmansyah believes that the establishment of will serve as a bridge between partners in need of talent and talents that match partner criteria, consequently stimulating the creative economy and event industry’s rotation.

“I hope can connect partners who need talent with talents who match the required criteria partners, and can stimulate the rotation of the creative economy and event industry,” Rachmansyah said.

Writer: Fauzul Adkhaf Azif | Editor:  | Photo: Narasumber

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