Bandung, Telkom University – Telkom University as the No. 1 Private University in Indonesia continues to actively improve quality in achieving Research and Entrepreneurial University.
ugh the School of Applied Sciences (FIT) held an online Group Discussion (FGD) of Business Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA) related to the Curriculum Alignment Assessment Program with IDUKA on Wednesday (11/11) online.
This FGD is one of a series of events from the Curriculum Alignment Grant program held by the Directorate of Partnership and Alignment of DUDI (MitrasDUDI) of the Directorate General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2020 which is carried out by the School of Applied Sciences. There are two study programs involved in this grant program, namely the Accounting Information Systems and Computer Technology Diploma Study Program.
There are ten other vocational schools trusted by MitrasDUDI to carry out the curriculum alignment assessment program with IDUKA, namely the Telkom University School of Applied Sciences, Bali State Polytechnic, Surabaya State Polytechnic, Banyuwangi State Polytechnic, Lampung State Polytechnic, Aceh Muhammadiyah Vocational Universityย State Polytechnic Jakarta, Manufacturing Polytechnic Bandung, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic and Jember State Polytechnic.
The FGD event this time is a follow-up to the previous activity, namely filling out the study program curriculum survey by Industry, Business, and the World of Work (IDUKA). In this event, the Faculty will present the results of the analysis of the survey results and ask for confirmation and input from IDUKA.
It is hoped that with the confirmation through this FGD, it will be an appropriate input for the preparation of the curriculum for the two study programs involved. Also, it is hoped that it can become a portrait model of the alignment of the Indonesian vocational school curriculum that MitrasDUDI requires. Of course, MitrasDUDI needs to get a portrait of the condition of the alignment of the curriculum from selected representatives of Indonesian vocational schools, so that they can be used to determine the direction of policy for vocational schools going forward.
Several Industry representatives use D3 Accounting Information Systems or D3 Computer Technology alumni, namely from Dedy Setyawan (Director of Operations and Marketing of PT Samudera Aplikasi Indonesia), Franciska Sumadewi Megawati (CEO of EduTech Solution), Widi Tri Yuwono (Head of Information Technology Infrastructure Telkom University), Raswyshnoe Boing Kotjoprayudi (Head of Telkom University Budget), Chintya Dwi Hadiani (CyberArmy Finance Officer), M Hardi Hardian (Funding Officer BRI), Hani Widiani (RSUD Soreang), and Ferdian (Motio Labs Indonesia). The field of curriculum discussion discussed this time is about hard skills and soft skills in each study program.
In soft skills, the adaptability of students in both D3 SIA and D3 TK is good enough. but some improvements are needed such as time management, public speaking, creativity, initiative, English, and the courage to take risks. Students also need to be equipped to be able to work in an agile scope of work, where changes in the industry can be very fast. In the D3 Kindergarten Study Program that works in the field and is related to strong currents, Occupational Safety and Health (K3) certification is needed, so it needs to be included in the practicum or PLC System course.
While for hard skills, the basic courses (the core of the study program) made by the study program are still relevant. Understanding of a logic concept and algorithm using a programming language is sufficient. Regarding technological changes, this is not a problem, because as long as students understand the concept, students will quickly adapt. The profile of the D3 SIA graduate study program by IDUKA is considered very good because the alumni can understand the accounting business process and how to implement it into the accounting information system. Meanwhile, IDUKA also feels that the profile of D3 TK program graduates is good, with a focus on graduates including Computer Network Technicians and Hardware Technicians.
With the two-way FGD from FIT and IDUKA, it is hoped that it will be able to provide the right input for the curriculum renewal of the two study programs so that the ideals of Mass Marriage or Link and Match were conceptualized by Wikan Sakarinto ST, M.Sc., Ph.D. as Director-General Vocational Education can be realized.