Fundraising, Tel-U Against COVID-19 while Helping Flood Victims

Donasi Telu

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Te-U) through the Directorate of Career Development, Alumni and Endowment in collaboration with Tel-U Coffee, Telkom University Alumni Forum (FAST) and Astacala Telkom University Foundation to collect donations to fight COVID-19 and care about floods Bandung district.

As it is known that in the midst of an outbreak of COVID-19 that is increasingly widespread, the area of ??Bandung Regency, especially in the Dayeuhkolot Village, is faced with increasingly high rainfall, which causes flooding in several areas in Kab. Bandung.

Director of Career Development, Alumni and Tel-U Endowment, AT Hanuranto said that the fundraising was intended to support the government’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as to help the brothers affected by flooding in Kab. Bandung.

“As for this donation, we have collected it since March 26, 2020, and to this day (6/4) it has reached Rp. 83,985,455, – in addition to money, we also receive items in the form of 250 bottles of Hand Sanitizer, 2 pieces of Hand Sanitizer Jerigen and Disinfection Equipment and Liquid. ” He explained.

All of the donations AT added came from TelU Alumni, Tel-U Leaders, Telkom’s CDC, Telkom Education Foundation, and the general public, and the donations will be distributed to Security Officers, Cleaning Services on duty on campus, students who live in both national and boarding dorms international, surrounding communities, flood-affected communities, hospitals and health centers.

“We will distribute the entire distribution in the form of Personal Protective Equipment for hospitals and health centers, Giving Food, Masks, Hand Sanitizer to flood-affected communities, food for people around Tel-U as well as daily freelance employees in the Tel-U environment, vitamins and food for Security Officers, Cleaning Service, and students who are forced to live in a dormitory. ” He explained.

AT hopes that this activity can be useful and ease the burden on the community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, besides this activity the plan will be sustainable where there will be some disinfecting equipment and fluids to the village office especially those affected by flooding and APD to Hospitals and Puskesmas the needy and other assistance programs to the community to help melawn the Covid-19 outbreak.

“We thank the donors who have contributed to this fundraising, may the good of you all get the best reply from ALLAH SWT, and always be given health and ease of fortune.” He said.

For those who want to participate to donate can channel through the following:


1310016330617 a/n Tel-U Coffee

1220007507778 a/n Forum Alumni Universitas Telkom

1300015445011 a/n Yayasan Astacala

Contact Person : Abd. Rahman 081214757333 and Aulia Rahman 0811228830

The following are some of the distribution activities for donations that have been distributed:

  1. The distribution of Hand Sanitizers to several employees who are still working on campus, as well as lunches, juices and masks (especially students) to regular / domestic students and international students who still stay at the campus dormitory, employees of each hostel (helpdesk, security and manager), campus environment security and construction workers around the campus dormitory and the orphanage closest to the Telkom University campus.
  2. Providing donations in the form of Hand Sanitizers and Masks to Members and the Koramil 2407 Dayeuhkolot / Baminkomsos team to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  3. The next donation was given to the Bojongsoang community who were affected by the flood … Aid that was distributed included needs in the form of Mineral Water, Ultra Milk, Vegetable Biscuits, Glass Noodles, Masks and Hand Sanitize. This assistance was handed over to the residence of the Head of RT 15 Housing of Bojongsoang GBA, and witnessed by the management of Dayeuhkolot Village and the Head of RT. For the distribution of aid, it will be coordinated at the point of refuge where it is scattered in several places and one of the refugee camps for victims of flooding in SD Negeri Bojongsoang 2.