Hundreds of Auditees Undergo Internal Quality Audit I

audit internal telkom university

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is a routine agenda held by the Internal Audit Unit (SAI) of Telkom University twice a year. The AMI, held from May 30 to June 17, 2022, will be the first AMI to be born in 2022.

In the implementation of AMI I in 2022, the criteria to be audited include SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System), which consists of 36 standards, namely education standards, research and community service standards, and several additional standards. In addition, the second audit criteria include ISO 21001:2018, which covers all processes at Telkom University from clause 4 to clause ten and annex E.

AMI I in 2022 was attended by 54 internal auditors and 119 auditees covering all faculties, study programs, expertise groups, research centers, and several related sections and units.

At the opening of AMI I on Monday (30/5), Vice-Rector I for Academic Affairs and QMR (Quality Management Representative) Telkom University, Dr. Dadan Rahadian, said that this routine activity was held as a continuous improvement.

“Congratulations on running AMI I in 2022. Hopefully, the results obtained from this activity can positively impact Tel-U in the future and more broadly provide benefits for the Indonesian nation,” he said.

Please note that ISO 21001:2018 is an educational organization management system adapted from ISO 9001:2015. This standard was prepared specifically for the education sector to achieve its goals and carry out its primary function: providing quality education.

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