Information Technology and Health Collaboration between Tel-U and Bhakti Kencana University

Kunjungan Universitas Bhakti Kencana

Bhakti Kencana University paid a visit to Telkom University on Wednesday (27/1). This visit aims to strengthen collaboration between the two institutions related to the management of Information Technology (IT) in campus management and opportunities for research collaboration and community service.

The Rector of Bhakti Kencana University stated it, Dr. Apt. Entris Sutrisno, M.H.Kes. He conveyed that he was very interested in learning about the IT-based campus management system. Besides that, cross-sectoral collaboration was also a primary concern for him.

“IT-based campus management is currently our concern, and we believe Tel-U can be the best partner in this regard. In addition, we hope that we can build cross-sectoral collaboration between IT and Health in the future. It will be fascinating for us.”

Rector of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya explained that IT-based campus management has long been implemented at Tel-U. According to him, the implementation of IT in any field is currently significant.

“There are many things that we can learn together regarding this IT. We are also open to any collaboration with any party as long as it is useful. Some of our students recently made an innovative tool to deal with stunting in Sragen. We can consider collaborations like this in the future, technology and health.” Adiwijaya said.

One example of using technology is the Tel-U Center of E-Learning, which creates digital content for distance learning while maintaining the quality of competency achievement. According to him, this can be immediately implemented at Bhakti Kencana to support online learning, which still needs to be done due to the pandemic.

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