Bandung, Telkom University – Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia continues to make innovations for the country. Through the Directorate of Career Development, Alumni, and Endowment (CAE), Telkom University in collaboration with PT Telkom Indonesia held a Social Project “Innovation” for students. This program aims to generate digital talents and directly support one of the government’s strategic plans to support the national digital transformation process towards a Smart Nation.

This program was inaugurated on Friday (25/9) online via Zoom and Telkom University’s YouTube channel. Ahmad Tri Hanuranto, the Director of Career Development, Alumni and Endowment of Telkom University explained that the program is present to accommodate students to remain productive during the Covid-19 pandemic by carrying out activities that are beneficial to the community and the surrounding environment in a forum for campus activities such as KKN / Field Activities / Community Service Public.

“This program also trains the social sensitivity of the younger generation to community difficulties and contributes to building villages throughout Indonesia through creative ideas/solution ideas with a clear measure of usefulness in the form of a Social Project,” he said.

Ahmad Tri Hanuranto also added that the goal of holding this program was to generate digital talents, mapping several villages that could become role models or examples for other digital villages and in the end, 100 student groups would be taken, accompanied by supervisors to carry out the program guidance which is fully supported by the Community Development Center of PT Telkom Indonesia with total financing of IDR 1,500,000,000.

Some of the assessment criteria in this program are originality of ideas, social project innovation, digital applications, collaboration, teamwork and community involvement, project sustainability, wording, and writing.

Sindhu Aryanto, as the Senior General Manager of the Community Development Center of PT Telkom Indonesia, explained that this activity is a concrete form of creating future digital talents. This activity is very synergy because PT Telkom Indonesia as one of the BUMNs in Indonesia focuses on sustainable poverty eradication, especially in villages.

“We at CDC are entrusted with building a community, and one of our focuses is in the world of education. And this digital business is all about talent. This program is continuous in nature and starts at Telkom University. The most important thing is how this application can solve some of the problems, especially in villages, “he said.

Sindhu added that as a state-owned enterprise engaged in the digital sector, PT Telkom Indonesia continues to transform. This is the essence in the future to be able to find the talent seeds needed. And the hope is that this program can hone social sensitivity in the villages.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as the Rector of Telkom University said that to face change, we have to adapt. Adapting in this case, we as well-educated people can implement innovations that can benefit many people.

With the theme Empowering Young Innovation for Digital Village, this Innovation supports innovation village programs. With this program, it is hoped that it can empower the potential in the village and can provide inspiration and problem solving to increase economic contribution.

“This program can inspire students who are in their hometowns because of the Covid-19 pandemic to be directly involved in helping the difficulties of their village communities through applicable digital innovations to create increased social benefits and economic improvement. Insha Allah, this program will provide great benefits, both for Telkom, Telkom University, and the wider community, “he said.