IT PLN Online Visitation to Telkom University

02 15 kunjungan it PLN

BANDUNG, Telkom University – PLN Institute of Technology (IT PLN) Jakarta, conducted a comparative study to Telkom University, this visit took place online through ZOOM, on Monday (15/8).

The agenda for this visit is Management of finance and Human Resources (HR) within Telkom University.

At this event, the PLN IT group led directly by Nurmiati Pasra, Deputy Chancellor for Human Resources (HR) and IT PLN Student Affairs, and M. Ahsan, Deputy Chancellor for Finance, IT PLN, was greeted directly by Telkom University Deputy Rector II for Resources, Dr. . Ir. Rina D Pasaribu.

Dr. Rina expressed her welcome to the Telkom University campus, even though this event takes place online, hopefully, she will continue to be enthusiastic in sharing knowledge for the advancement of these two institutions.

“Welcome to IT PLN at Telkom University, it is our pride (Tel-U) to be able to welcome colleagues from IT PLN Jakarta. In this event it is hoped that we can both learn and share knowledge because we as educational institutions have the same goals.”, namely producing a generation that can carry Indonesia forward in the future. ” He explained.

Vice-Rector for HR IT PLN Nurmiati Pasra said that the purpose of this online visit was simply to share knowledge among members of APERTI BUMN.

“Thank you for the warm welcome from Telkom University, hopefully through this online visit, we can strengthen the relationship that has been established between Tel-U and IT PLN.” He said.

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