KompasTv Journalists Share His Stories During College

BANDUNG, Telkom University – One of the senior journalists in Indonesia will share his experience in Sharing Telkom University Alumni with FAST.

Aiman ??Witjaksono Journalist News Anchor & Executive Producer of Kompas TV, one of Industrial Engineering ’96 Telkom University alumni shared their stories during college, on Tuesday (28/4).

Aiman told that he ??had felt confused because of the wrong direction until Aiman ??could rise from the turmoil to make it successful like today.

He thought he was in the wrong choice, until finally after 2 years of study, exactly in his 5th semester, Aiman ??raise, and continued to study until graduation.

“In the beginning, I felt that I was in the wrong major. The 5th semester is my tipping point.  I felt that I had to continue this struggle, while I received the Kompas Gramedia scholarship.” He said.

After graduation, Aiman applied to a lot of well-known companies in Indonesia, and believe it or not, he accepted. It is because he graduated from STT Telkom (Telkom University).

“Some companies accepted me because I graduated from STT (Tel-U) and because of my knowledge during college, where I felt grateful for my decision to continue my education there.” He said.

Through this experience, Aiman ??advised students who felt that they were in the wrong direction to never think like that because the new major might not better.

“Here, I advise you to express, dedicate, and make it your passion, even though this time is not your passion, but one day it will bring benefits to you. Maybe your current major will open up a bright future for yourself.” He explained.