Managing Generation

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The School of Economics and Business Telkom University organized a 100 Day Donation Program for Indonesia. The program is a short online training with popular management topics. All registration fees from participants will be donated to help community needs during Covid-19.

This program is held through the Cloud X application on Tuesday (12/5) with the speaker Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, Dean of the School of Economics and Business. Entitled Managing New Generation, this program is open to the public with 69 participants.

In this short online training, Dr. Ratri explained the classification of generations as an introduction. Nowadays, generation is divided into some factions. There are the Veterans Generation born before 1945, the Baby Boomers Generation born in 1946 – 1965, X Generation born in 1966 – 1980, Y Generation or Millennial born in 1981 – 1995, Z Generation was born in 1996 – 2010, and Alpha Generation was born after 2011.

“The characteristics of each generation are different, this is influenced by interactions and environmental conditions as they grow so that now we face various generations growing at one time,” he said.

Dr. Ratri also explained that the generation population in Indonesia has a different ratio and is dominated by Z Generation by 25% and predicted in 2025-2030, Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus. A demographic bonus means that the population in Indonesia will be dominated by productive forces aged 15 – 65 years. This opportunity must be grasped by businesses faced with a situation facing four generations in one period.

“In this case, we must be able to distinguish when someone is called a manager, and when someone is called a leader. We must see the difference between a manager and a leader. Management always talks about sustain, support, and support. When we talk about leaders, how they create something new, create visions, missions, and change, they are the leaders. ”


Dr. Ratri also added that management uses more logic to think and interact with people, managers put forward the way of thinking to achieve targets. In contrast to management, in responding to a situation the leader puts forward the feeling side. The leader will try to understand what will be done when discussing with individuals personally.

Each management and leader has a different emphasis, both of which are not better. If an organization is too focused on management it will cause employees stress and environmental situations are too rigid, and if an organization is too focused on leadership it will cause out of control and not focus on the target. So there needs to be collaboration between good management and good leadership as well.