Martha Tri Lestari Received a Doctorate in Social Media Monitoring Studies

Dr. Martha Tri Lestari, the lecturer at the School of Communication and Business, won a Communication Science doctorate at the School of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University, on Wednesday (11/08). Martha earned her doctorate with a dissertation entitled “Social Media Monitoring Public Opinion PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk.”.

According to him, his research aims to determine the process of social media monitoring on digital platforms @TelkomIndonesia, @TelkomPromo, and @TelkomCare to monitor public opinion related to all corporate actions. “Through this study, the author dissected three Telkom Indonesia social media to find out the process so far. This dissertation provides an overview of how digital giants such as Telkom Indonesia monitor public opinion through their social media,” said Martha.

With this dissertation, Martha hopes that Telkom Indonesia can maximize social media monitoring through the data written in this study so that the company can always provide the best service to social media users. Because nowadays, social media is a bridge of communication between consumers and companies.

“I hope that this research can provide benefits for companies in Indonesia, related to the changing era in handling public opinion monitoring, which was originally only through conventional media, is currently diverted to social media. The speed of handling feedback is crucial in these days and ages.” hoped Martha.

Telkom University is the best private university with world-class class and continuously motivates lecturers to achieve the highest education. It is in line with the expectations conveyed by Martha, and she hopes that Telkom (University) will continue to facilitate young lecturers to achieve the highest educational degree (read: doctorate).

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