New Year’s Resolutions for Tel-U Students

Happy New Year 2023 to every academic community of Telkom University (Tel-U). New year is often used as a momentum to set targets and achievements to be achieved within one year, or commonly known as new year’s resolution.

New Year’s resolution applies to anyone, including Tel-U students who are currently studying hard. The target can vary, such as academic achievements or competency growth. So, what are the New Year’s resolutions that should be prepared by Tel-U students?

Managing time better

As a student, you must be able to manage time well. This is because students have flexible schedules and may have different course hours each day. Therefore, students should be able to manage and plan their off-campus activities so that each activity takes place simultaneously. Free time in between classes can be used to do your assignments or group work.

Stopping procrastinating on assignments

In every course, lecturers will usually give you assignments that is due in one week or in the next meeting. Students sometimes get so carried away with a long deadline that they assume the assignment can be put aside for the time being. In fact, the assignment might not come from one course only. If you decide to procrastinate on all assignments, you might get swamped and overwhelmed.

Improving self-competence

Add more positive activities into your to-do list. It can be related to academic or non-academic activities. Telutizen can take courses, bootcamps, and others to be able to improve your skills. You can also take part in Student Activity Units (UKM) on campus or in communities of interest outside campus. Building competencies and relations can help Telutizen in the working world.

Managing finances wisely

Many students usually live separately from parents, such as renting a room or living in a dormitory. You can use this situation to learn to live independently, one of which is to learn how to manage finances wisely. The allowance you have should be used efficiently, regardless of whether you come from an affluent family or not. The habit of managing finances is an important skill, so it needs to be highlighted from a young age.

Staying Healthy

Time flexibility that students have, as mentioned in the first point, sometimes makes students forget time. Activities such as group projects or working on assignments sometimes last until late at night. If done regularly, it can make the body’s immune system weak and susceptible to disease.

That is why, as an independent student, you must take care of your own body. Exercising regularly on campus, eating healthy food, and getting enough sleep will make your body fit for college the following day.

So, Telutizen, are you ready to arrange your positive plans in 2023? Those are some of the New Year’s resolutions that Telutizen can do right away. Hopefully it can help Telutizen become active and competent students and achieve all your targets this year.

Author: Abdullah Adnan | Editor: Daris Maulana | Dokumentasi: Public Relations

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