Preparing Tel-U Students in the International World

04 29 Mempersiapkan Mahasiswa Tel U Di Dunia Internasional

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Preparing young people to enter the international world is very important, especially in the field of communication, communication skills are needed in the international world, because through communication everything can be connected.

International Class Telkom University held a workshop to foster the communication skills of international class students in preparing them in the global world.

In the event that took place at the zoom meeting application, Wednesday (4/29) the event was attended by around 70 international class students, and presented the speaker Dr. Nia Kurniasih who is a lecturer at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

In his presentation Dr. Nia explained that if you want to be a person who is good at communicating, be someone who is good at listening to others.

“In this case if you want to listen you can certainly learn directly in communicating well, listen and understand every intonation from a speaker, and that is a very good learning in communication.” He said.

Nia added, how to be a good speaker, here are some tricks to do.

“The first thing you have to do is make eye contact, because if an audience loses eye contact with the speaker, the audience will be focused on something else not to the speaker again, and you have to adjust the tone of the speech, not too fast, not too slow, and most importantly “AIUEO must be clear.” He said.