Public Lecture: Excellent Generation, Advanced Indonesia

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University in collaboration with Medcom. id and the Surya Edukasi Bangsa Foundation held a public lecture with the theme ‘Advanced Indonesian Superior Generation’. It was held online through the ZOOM Meeting on Wednesday (22/09) by presenting speakers, Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti as Vice-Rector III for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni; Don Bosco Selamun as Managing Director of Metro TV; and Reino Barack as the President Commissioner of Medcom. id.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya in his speech explained that in this digital era as a superior generation, we must continuously improve ourselves. Telkom University as the Best Private Campus No. 1 in Indonesia must continue to print superior digital talent to advance the nation.

“As stated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, Indonesia needs nine million digital talents and we must answer that challenge. To show this, of course, it is not only hard skills that we have, not only digital skills that we have but of course behavior and competencies related to character and culture must also be ready, starting from mindset, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity to innovate. The best innovation is certainly needed, “explained Prof. Adiwijaya.

Prof. Adiwijaya also added that as a digital talent, the superior generation must have their desire not to give up easily and move on. Digital talent must be able to see a problem as an opportunity to be able to continue to contribute to solving the problem.

“Insha Allah, if we want to try to be part of the solution, then that means we have entered one of the categories of Excellent HR.”

The superior generation is the generation that always strives for achievements and has a solid intelligence and character in itself, always having a positive impact on oneself, fellow environment, and even the country. Creating a superior generation is indeed difficult and requires struggle, but it will be even more difficult if humans live without an inherent superior attitude.

“This superior generation must be created and one way is through education to produce a generation that is superior, intelligent, and has character. Being superior is certainly not a coincidence, but the result of a process created and must be started early. The prerequisite for becoming a superior human being is having the ability to correct his mental attitude, environment, and system that must be conducive and increase friendships.”

Reino Barack as the President Commissioner of Medcom. id added that the education system we need must have three main pillars, namely desire, knowledge, and application. However, in Indonesia itself, mostly there are only two pillars, namely desire, and knowledge, while its application is rarely carried out. That’s what needs to be addressed in college to prepare for future careers.

“The superior generation must not have a fear of failure because failure is a key to getting closer to success. On the way to achieving the goal, the superior generation must dare to take risks and not be afraid to fail,” he said.

As entrepreneurs, Reino Barack said that as a superior generation, we must be able to see the opportunities that exist and take those opportunities at the right time. Opportunities must be exploited with existing knowledge and a strong team without hesitation.

The Director of Metro TV, Don Bosco Selamun, said the same thing. Provision during the struggle for education is to become a human being above the average, learn as best as possible and learn twice as much from others. The superior generation must be a differentiator from others. Successful people are people who can see opportunities and take advantage of them. In addition, success can be cultivated through connectivity in a global environment.

“Future success is determined by two things, namely the infotech revolution and the biotech revolution. The infotech revolution will lead to data and the field of algorithms which are now the determinants of any decision,” he explained.

Don Bosco Selamun also said that the advantage of the current situation of the younger generation is the availability of facilities to start at the same starting point. Internet of Things in this digital era makes everyone have the same level too. Through the Internet of Things, we have been connected to become a global village and connected to the whole world. The internet makes us have equal opportunities to develop.

Don Bosco added that Telkom University can be the backbone of all digital changes and advancements. Students today are required to always be innovative, creative, and have analytical thinking skills on all data so that the current generation of superiors must be able to be adaptive and remain relevant to global digital developments.

“As a mover for Indonesia Forward, it is time for the younger generation to compete at the world level. The world has no boundaries anymore, everything is borderless, and this world belongs to us. Use intelligence and creativity to then enter into various global platforms and become a more advanced person in the wilderness of the digital world. Never be afraid to do that.”

The Vice-Rector III for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni of Telkom University explained that the superior generation must always look to the future. Our goal is to become a developed Indonesia.

“For now, Indonesia is still ranked quite low in the digital competitive country. What must be prepared at this time is knowledge, the superior generation must have understanding, knowledge, master technology and soft skills, especially mindset, “explained Dr. Dida.

The current generation of superiors is motivated to always make an impact on the world. This is also the capital at Telkom University to prepare a superior generation towards advanced Indonesia.

“We have to have values, there are things that don’t change. Values ??must be the basis of every opportunity, movement, activity, and decision taken by this generation.”

Telkom University as an education industry has an ICT Based curriculum, including a learning management system so that the pandemic does not become a barrier for students to continue learning. In addition, Telkom University also makes many innovations that are beneficial to the community, including community services. In this way, a superior generation will be created for Advanced Indonesia.

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